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Skulduggery sat alone in his house, any other day he would have been thrilled that he didn't have anyone nagging him, but today was a special day. Today was his 500th birthday, which made it very special. He hadn't told anyone when his birthday was, so he didn't blame them for not being here, Val usually comes round on Friday but today she couldn't make it for unexplained reasons.

Skulduggery sat in silence reading the newspaper when his phone rang. He flicked up the screen to see the caller ID "Valkyrie, what does she want" he muttered to himself. A few seconds later he answered "Hello" he said cheerfully "Hey Skul, do you wanna come over"

"I thought you had plans"

"Yeah, cancelled them!"



"What are you up to"



"OK FINE! I set your hat on fire"


"Skul, you there"

"You hat....on fire?" Skulduggery said in a dangerous tone "It was an accident!" Valkyrie said in defence "Look, I feel lonely so get you bony fragmented butt down here now" Skulduggery sighed and said "Ok, im on my way" he ended the call and took a minutes silence to appreciate his hats bravery, and what they had been through together. After he had said his goodbyes he, picked his car keys off the table and made his way to the Bentley. He jumped in and sped down to Valkyries.

At Valkyries house...

"Tanith! Stop eating the cake" Valkyrie yelled at Tanith who turned around with icing smeared all over her face and said "What? Its not like he can eat it anyway!"

"He is going to blow the candles out though!"

"With what breath?!"

"Ugh! Just leave the cake alone and go and check to make sure hes not here" Valkyrie said, which made Tanith huff. Valkyrie made her over to Ghastly, Anton and Erskine who were arranging the presents to make them look neat, Valkyrie giggled when Ghastly smacked Anton over the head for placing them wrong, he was a bit of perfectionist when it came to decoration, "He's here!" Tanith half whispered half yelled. Everyone panicked and they all went to hide behind the couch except for Val who went over to the door and waited for the knock. When it finally came she opened it immediately and was greeted by Skulduggery who was wearing a black pinstriped suit with a crisp white shirt. He had his black fedora on and a black tie, "Are you going to a funeral?" Valkyrie asked, Skulduggery chuckled and said "Oh, no not a funeral, the occasion is quite opposite in fact!"   

"A wedding"


"Then where" Valkyrie tried to hold back the grin, she knew he thought they didn't know, "Its, nothing really" Skulduggery said in a slightly depressed tone. Valkyrie stepped aside so Skulduggery could walk in, " So do you wanna watch a movie" she asked "Okay, but im picking, im not letting you watch '10 things I hate about you' only for you to drool over Heath Ledger like you did last time!" this made Valkyrie blush "He was hot though" she muttered and hoped to god that the others didn't here that. Valkyrie lead the way to the living room grinning. She let Skulduggery go first, he turned the handle and walked through the door, that's when Tanith, Ghastly, Anton and Erskine jumped up from behind the couch and yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKUL!" Skulduggery jumped at first but then they all ran at him and gave him a group hug! "You all knew?" he asked still slightly startled "Of, course we knew, were your best friends its a crime not to know when your birthday is" Valkyrie said. Skulduggery chuckled as he was lead to his birthday cake "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! happy birthday dear Skullllllll! Happy birthday too youuuu" they all sang in unison as Skulduggery sent a blast of air at the candles making them go out, everyone cheered and he was lead to the presents which were lay perfectly on the table. Ghastly looked proudly at his work and smiled. They all sat down on the floor and opened his presents. He got a new hat from Ghastly which had his name sewn into the ribbon on top, he got a new gun from Valkyrie which had 'the sparrow flies south for the winter' engraved on it, he also got a mini stone Statue of himself from Erskine, a black car seat cover with his name on it from Tanith and a new pair of shoes from Anton. Once he had opened all of his presents they spent the rest of the day playing games and watching movies. They were watching 'The Avengers' and everyone was asleep accept Skul and Val. Valkyrie looked at Skulduggery and motioned for him to go into the kitchen. They both walked int the kitchen and sat down "I got you another present, I just didn't want to give it to you in front of the others." Valkyrie said "So can I have it" he asked excitedly "Yeah, just put your façade on and close your eyes" he did as he was told and Valkyrie got up and tilted his head upto her and she kissed him. Skulduggery opened his eyes and returned the kiss, he grabbed her waist and pulled her onto his lap. A few minutes later Valkyrie pulled away gasping for breath, "Happy birthday Skul" he smirked and pulled her in for another kiss.


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