Typos can ruin your ENTIRE life!

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Skulduggery and Fletcher were chatting in the sanctuary about various things when Fletcher brought Valkyrie up "Valkyrie, is beautiful you know?"

"I know, she's my girlfriend." Skulduggery said proudly and Fletcher frowned

"No, she's my girlfriend."

"What are you talking about? You broke up 8 years ago."

"Yeah, we got back together on Tuesday."

"No, you didn't!

"Yes we did!" Fletcher claimed and brought up a text message on his phone, and Skulduggery slumped in his seat, and looked down, Fletcher patted him on the shoulder "Better luck next time, bud!" Skulduggery punched fletcher right In the nose and he cried out in pain "What was that for!?"

"For stealing my girlfriend!" Skulduggery yelled and was about to punch him again when Valkyrie stormed into the room "Whats this about stealing your girlfriend?" she asked confused and Skulduggery turned away "How could you Valkyrie? I loved you." he whispered "What are you talking about Skulduggery?"

"Your going out with Fletcher."

"What? No im not!"

"Yes you are! He showed me the text message!"

"What text message?" She asked and Skulduggery picked up his phone from the floor and shoved it in her face. She looked at it for a minute before she started to laugh "Whats so funny! You broke my heart Valkyrie!"

"Oh my..." She said and started to laugh again "Give me the phone." She said and Skulduggery threw it at her and she just stood next to Skulduggery and showed him more clearly "Fletcher says: your adorable. And then I reply 'No. You're adorable' I was pointing out his typo." She said and laughed again while Skulduggery just stared for a minute before laughing too while Fletcher just blushed bright red and running of. Valkyrie finished laughing and brought Skulduggery's face down to hers and kissing his soft lips, to which he responded enthusiastically. She pulled away and grinned "Typo's can ruin your entire life. Remember that!" she said and Skulduggery chuckled before bringing her back into the kiss.

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