A chapter to make you smile

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These are loads of funny things I found on tumblr!

"Here's our plan: We go in, I start hitting people In the face, see where it takes us."

-Skulduggery Pleasant, probably

"Oops my pen slipped and everything you loved died."- a brief summary of Skulduggery Pleasant

"Grand mage, with all due respect, I am going to ignore everything you just said"

-Skulduggery Pleasant, probably

*knocks at your door, holding a copy of Skulduggery Pleasant in hand*

"Good afternoon, have you accepted our lord and saviour Derek Landy into your heart?"

Valkyrie- "I was worried they turned you against me."

Skulduggery- "Are you kidding? Bros before apparent threats to national security"

Ghastly: *looks at knife in his back*




Ghastly: I came out to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now

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