The animal inside(Part 2)

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Skulduggery scrambled up and darted for the door just as the panther pounced on where he used to be. Skul ripped the door open and sprinted for the Bentley put the panther was to fast for him and it jumped on the Bentley and snarled, and suddenly Skulduggery had an idea, so he brought his gun out and shot it to the right of him causing the panther to get distracted and he had just enough time to get in the Bentley before the panther jumped of the car. Skulduggery started the engine and sped of down to Kenspeckles, with the panther going full speed next to him, and since the panther was Valkyrie he didn't want to hurt it incase it had an effect on Val so he tried to avoid running it over. Skulduggery got his phone from out of his pocket and speed dialled Ghastly "Hey Sk-"



"I don't know what happened she got angry and then she turned into a panther!"

"On the case a few days ago she was hurt by the shape shifter right?"

"Yes! He hurt her while he was a panther! That's it! Thanks Ghastly, im on my way to the sanctuary now so be prepared for it!"

"You got it Bud!" Ghastly said and hung up.

Ghastly POV

After the conversation I ran back into the meeting with the rest of the dead men including Saracen, Dexter, Anton and Erskine and they all looked at me weirdly and I told them what happened and they all gasped and we sprinted out the sanctuary and awaited the Bentley.

Soon it came speeding down the road and we all looked at the black panther chasing it "Gentlemen, we are about to know the true meaning of Dead men!" I said and Dex sniggered and we all braced for the panther. The beast took one look at us and stopped chasing Skulduggery and came for us and Erskine hid behind me along with everyone else "Thank guys!" I said sarcastically and I opened my arms bracing for the in pact and eventually it came and I was knocked of my feet and we all fell down like dominoes. Anton has is allergic to cats so being the idiot he is he decided to climb the tree next to us, completely forgetting the fact that cats can climb trees. So the panther put up a chase and jumped up the tree with force but just before it was about to maul Anton, Dexter grabbed its legs and pulled it down causing it to fall on Dexter and he went down with a girly squeal. With that Saracen ran forward with a battle cry and jumped on it but I just stood there and laughed. Soon enough the panther ran into the sanctuary and I went to help up Saracen "What was that ridiculous sound you made just then?" I asked "i let out a battle cry. Sure, a lot of people might have mistaken it for a sudden yelp of unmanly fear, but trust me. It was a battle cry!" Saracen explained and I laughed as I hauled him, and I saw Anton cowering in the tree looking down at us "Is it gone?" he asked "Its in the sanctuary, speaking of which, we should probably go after it!" Dexter from underneath Saracen who yelped and jumped of him "Was that I battle cry?" I asked grinning and he glared but eventually said "No, that was a yelp of unmanly fear. See the difference?"

"No not all all!" I said and helped up Dexter and we sprinted in the sanctuary to see Skulduggery on top of the panther and Kenspeckle injecting a liquid into it and it went limp and Skulduggery climbed off and looked at it. Suddenly the fur started to disappear with the tail and the ears and left on the floor was a pale Valkyrie and Skulduggery leant down and checked for a pulse. But there wasn't one, so Skulduggery started to give her CPR pumping her chest desperately "Come on Val!" he roared but she didn't wake "Kenspeckle! get the sun burst QUICK!" I yelled and went to help Skulduggery with the CPR while the rest of the dead men stood in silent shock and worry "Come on! COME ON!" I roared and Kenspeckle hurried in with the starburst and put it on her chest and pressed it, but it didn't work. I looked down and refused to give up "Dexter FIX IT!" I yelled and threw it at him while he got to work I restarted the CPR with tears forming in my eyes. Dexter hurried over and put the starburst on her chest again and pressed it again. the few seconds of anticipation killed me and the rest of the dead men, but suddenly Valkyrie jolted up and let out o big gasp and so did I as Skulduggery pulled her into a bone crushing hug and I put a hand over my heart and heavily breathed out.

Valkyrie POV

I woke up in a sanctuary bed staring at the ceiling. So is sat up but Skulduggery pushed me back down "Now, now Miss Cain, you need to rest!" he said and I giggled "Don't make me angry!" I threatened "Now that is a mistake I wont be making again!" he said and chuckled and lay down next to me and I snuggled up to him "Just for the record I don't fancy Erskine, I have my eye on someone else." I said and looked at him "Who?" he asked desperately as if he was worried but I answered his question by turning on his façade and cupping his face and gently placing a kiss on his lips. He looked in shock for a second but eventually pulled he closer and kissed me again with passion and determination so I smiled against his lips and kissed him back.   

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