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1 hour earlier

"VALKYRIE! MOVE GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" Skulduggery roared down the corridor where Valkyrie was stood. There was a bomb and it was about to go of in her house "NO! IM NOT LEAVING YOU HERE!" Valkyrie roared back "VALKYRIE IF YOU DONT GET OUT OF HERE YOUR GOING TO DIE!"

"WELL SO ARE YOU!" Skulduggery hesitated but ran forward to Valkyrie, but then, the bomb went off and the whole house collapsed onto the both.

1 hour later

Valkyrie awoke with blood pouring down her face, and had many bricks piled on her. She tried to moved but she screamed in pain when some bricks fell onto her already broken leg. She gathered up enough strength and used the air to get the bricks of her. It took her a while but she was finally free, she sat up but hissed at the pain 'great broken ribs and legs, anything else' she thought. She struggled to stand but she fell back down again and screamed in pain as she landed on her bad leg. But that didn't stop her. She had been practicing flying with Skulduggery but she couldn't get the hang of it, but she was determined to fly up. So she tried a few times but ended up falling again, until the third time where she rose up into the air and stayed, she laughed despite the situation. She was about to fly up but then she realised something, there was a hand sticking out from a pile of bricks Skulduggery. She immediately flew down and started to move the bricks to free Skulduggery.  Eventually she moved all the bricks and was able to pull Skulduggery out "Skul?" she said starting to worry. She knew that the Bentley was wrecked so she had to fly to the sanctuary. She picked Skulduggery up bridal style "Oh my gods your heavy" she said as if he could hear her. She flew up to get out with Skulduggery still in her arms, and flew over to the sanctuary. When she got to the sanctuary Ghastly gasped at what he saw and rushed up to her "VAL! Are you ok?" with concern in his voice "Im fine, but Skuls not im getting him to Kenspeckle now" Val said and flew to Kenspeckles office. When she got there Kenspeckle spat out his drink and said "Did...did you carry him here Valkyrie?" Valkyrie smiled and nodded "You are the bravest girl I have ever met Valkyrie" he said and motioned for her to place Skulduggery on the bed. She placed him down and sat in the seat next to him and held his hand.

An hour later Kenspeckle had finished healing him and started to fix Valkyrie. "You had 2 broken legs, a broken ankle, 5 broken ribs, 2 broken arms, a fractured  Skull, a broken collar bone and a broken Jaw and you still managed to carry a fully grown man here! That is remarkable Valkyrie!" Kenspeckle said and Val just smiled and said "Thank you professor"

"Skulduggery should wake soon so ill leave you too alone"

"Thank you" Valkyrie said as he walked out the room. She held his hand for ten minutes before she heard a groan "Skulduggery?" she asked gently "Val?" he said and sounded as if he was in pain "Yes, its me Skul! Im right here."

"Why am I in the sanctuary, I was crushed by bricks"

"Ah, I broke you out of the rubble and carried you here whilst my body was broken."

" carried me here" Skulduggery asked softly "Yep"

"T....thank you Val"

"No problem, ill let you rest now" she said and got up and went to turn when a hand grabbed her wrist and spun her back around "I love you Val"

"I love you too Skul" Valkyrie said and kissed his teeth gently, before sitting back down while Skulduggery slept.

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