The Funeral

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Skulduggery Pleasants funeral wasn't attended by many. Just Valkyrie, Ghastly, Erskine, Saracen, Dexter, Anton and Tanith came. The Funeral had finished an hour ago but Valkyrie hadn't left, she just sat staring at the coffin which the love of her life lay in. She hadn't talked to anyone since he died and she rarely went out the house, this was the first time she had been out since Skulduggery died a week ago. Tears stained her face as she walked over to the coffin "The moment you left, my heart was split in two once side was filled with memories and the other side died with you. I often lay awake at night when the world is sleeping and have a walk down memory lane with tears rolling down my face. Remembering you is easy but missing you is a heart ache that never goes away and never will. I hold you tightly within my heart and there you will stay, you see life has gone on without you but will never be the same." Valkyrie sobbed and knelt down beside the coffin and cried until all her tears had run out and he was left gasping on the floor curled into herself. She wanted to die. Her heart was broken and it wasn't going to fix, its sad that someone can go from being the reason you wake up smiling to crying yourself to sleep. Its like when you get that feeling in your stomach when your heart breaks and its like all the butterflies just die. It all comes down to the last person you think of at night before you drift off to sleep, that is where your heart lies and for Valkyrie it will lie with Skulduggery for eternity. Valkyrie slowly lifted herself up from the floor and stood straight before taking one last look at the coffin and turning around walking towards the door.

She made broken look beautiful and strong look invincible. She walked with the universe on her shoulders and it made it look like a pair of wings. 

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