the reflection and the skeleton detective (part 4)

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Darquesse broke out of the mirror and glass went flying everywhere. She stepped out with an evil grin on her face and stalked over to the reflection who was sleeping peacefully in Skulduggery's arm "I never like you anyway." she muttered and was about to kill her when a gun was pressed to her forehead "Touch her and you will die." Skulduggery snarled but Darquesse just laughed "How do you plan on doing that detective?"

"See this gun? The gun kills." Skulduggery got up out of the bed and walked over to Darquesse "I don't know how you got out of Valkyrie's body-"

"Let me stop you right there!" Skulduggery stopped, his gun not wavering "How do you think I got out?"

"Valkyrie would never let you out, which means you got out yourself."

"Oh, dearie. Did you really think that the person laying in that bed with you was Valkyrie?" Skulduggery looked confused "And I thought you loved her enough to recognise her reflection." Skulduggery looked at the girl in the bed and then looked up at Darquesse "That's the reflection?" he whispered and Darquesse laughed "It is indeed. You should have seen Valkyrie's broken little efface when you shoved her in the mirror. She was crying non stop." Skulduggery looked down and dropped his gun "I...cant believe I didn't notice."

"To be honest, neither can I! But I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill that...thing." she pointed at the reflection and then at her belly "And that." Skulduggery gasped, that was his baby " will not kill my unborn child."

"Do you really want to tell your child that its mother is a replica of the woman you loved?" he hesitated and Darquesse smiled "Didn't think so!" she flicked her wrist in the reflections direction and its body exploded and blood went everywhere "Its always so fun." Skulduggery didn't care about the blood on his suit, he was too busy thinking about Valkyrie and how he had betrayed her "I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill you now detective!" his head snapped up to meet her gaze "Why me?"

"Because...I feel like it! Oh, but don't worry the rest of the dead men will be joining you soon." before he even got a chance to reply Darquesse had stuck her hand out and Skulduggery's bones fell apart and fell to the floor in a heap. Darquesse walked up to the pile of bones and picked up the skull and kissed its teeth "That's from Valkyrie." she whispered and crush it in her hands, the broken pieces falling to the floor "Right, who's next?" she asked herself and walked out the blood covered room and down the corridor to Melissa's and Desmond's room "Ah, the parents." she let herself in and looked at the sleeping couple "Such a shame there asleep...I wanted them to see my face before they died. But oh well!" she flicked her wrist and both their bodied turned into ash. She was about to walk out when she heard a babies cry from the cot opposite the bed "Oh, Alice. I almost forgot." she stalked up to the baby and looked over the cot and smiled "Your very cute, I must say." Alice gurgled and Darquesse laughed "But you have to die." she put her hands around Alice's throat. She was dead in seconds.

Darquesse stood in a hallway full of dead bodies and blood "I told you, you shouldn't have called the cleavers." she muttered and carried on walking down the corridor until she came across the Elder's offices. She opened the door and Ghastly smiled warmly at her "Hello Val-" he didn't get to finish his sentence, he was turned into a pile of ashes in seconds.

Darquesse stormed into the meeting room where Erskine, Dexter, Saracen and Anton were sat laughing and chatting "Valkyrie! What can we do for you?" Dexter smiled and Darquesse grinned evilly "Die." she said and sent a stream of electricity at them all. They fell lifeless.

She walked up to the blonde woman stood in the middle of the hallway looking at all the dead bodies "Its a shame isn't it?" Darquesse said and Tanith lunged at her, sword aiming for her head but her body exploded and her blood was splattered all over the walls. Darquesse started to laugh.

She looked over Roarhaven which was now burning. Buildings tumbled to the floor. People died. Houses exploded and Darquesse grinned "Its been fun." she said and took one last look at her surroundings before letting Valkyrie out again.

She had seen everything. Every death. She fell to the floor and cried her heart out.


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