Why so serious? (part 1)

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"You.....you replaced me?" a hurt Valkyrie asked

"You were gone for 5 months! I had no choice!"

"I wasn't gone! I was in a coma!"

"Still! I needed someone to help me! Your going to meet her now! You will like her!"

"I don't like many people!" Valkyrie muttered and stayed silent for the rest of the journey to the sanctuary.

Once they arrived Tanith was waiting for Val at the door, and smiled when she saw her. Val ran up to her and linked her arm with Tanith's and walked into the hall were they would be meeting Skulduggerys new partner. The two girls sat down and chatted while they waited "So what do you think she will look like?" Tanith asked

"I don't know! But I know one thing for sure, she wont have a thing on this!" Valkyrie said and pointed at her self, as Tanith laughed "Maybe Skulduggery is into young girls." Tanith said and both girls roared with laughter. They soon stopped when Skulduggery walked in with a red haired girl, wearing a black tank top and camouflage pants and combat boots, she was also quite chubby "Heya!" The girl said in a Scouse accent and Tanith sniggered but stopped when Valkyrie elbowed her in the face "Hi. Im Valkyrie and this is Tanith." Valkyrie said without emotion and the girl smiled "Hia! Im Moe Lester!" Moe said and Tanith burst into laughter with Valkyrie "Your.....your name is... Moe Lester!" Tanith said in between fits of laughter and both Skulduggery and Moe snarled "Valkyrie, can you come out here for a minute please!" Skulduggery snarled and Valkyrie looked up and followed him outside "What was that!" he yelled "I was just having a laugh Skul!" Valkyrie yelled back "You obviously don't like her then!"

"I didn't say that! Its just her name is RIDICULOUS!"

"Well I was going to take her on as my second partner but it looks like I am stuck with one!" Skulduggery roared and Valkyrie flinched "Ill go tell her the bad news then." Valkyrie whispered "I wasn't talking about her! I was talking about you!" Skulduggery yelled and stormed back into the hall leaving Valkyrie outside to shocked to do anything, but eventually she broke down and shouted through the door "WHY SO SERIOUS SKUL!" and slumped against the wall and cried.

Soon Tanith came out and knelt down beside her and said "I hit Skulduggery for you!" Valkyrie giggled and said "Thanks." and lifted her head to reveal puffy eyes "Oh Val! What had he done to you!" Tanith whispered and went to go get some tissue. As soon as she left Billy Ray Sanguine rose up from the ground and grabbed Valkyrie by the hair and dragged her down into the ground while she screamed.

Valkyrie awoke in a dark room tied to a chair with a single spotlight on her. The only thing she remembered was Skulduggery yelling at her, so she just cried. Later on there was a laugh from the right of the chair a faint silhouette of Sanguine at the door "Hello lil' darling!" he said in his Texan drawl "Sanguine!" I snarled at him "Now, I heard you fightin' with funny bones before! I cant believe he actually fire yall! But afterwards I eard' you say 'Why so serious?' so I thought I would help you get your message across even more with a costume! Now first things first....the scars!" Sanguine said and put his razor to the corner of Valkyrie's lips and said "Why so serious?" and cut her skin open all the way up to her cheek bone, while Valkyrie screamed. once he finished the right side he did the same to the left and she screamed harder. He took his razor back and said "that'll do!" and pulled her out of the chair and sunk back into the ground.

They soon arrived at the sanctuary and Billy Ray threw her to the floor and said "Have fun!" and sunk back into the floor. Valkyrie quickly got up and ran to Kenspeckle. The door flew open as she rushed in and Kenspeckle chocked on his tea and quickly got up and got to work on Val's scars.

"Valkyrie, im so sorry, but I can heal scars inflicted with Sanguines straight razor." Kenspeckle sighed and Valkyrie tried to speak but the scars still hurt to much, so Kenspeckle gave her a weak smile and gave her a mirror to look at her scars. She looked at her face and saw the scars Sanguine had made, she now had a permanent smile on her face! Just like the joker! Valkyrie broke down and Tanith ran into the room and saw Val and immediately walked over and comforted her "Shh, shh its ok, im here!" Tanith said and looked at Val's 'smiling' face "im so sorry I wasn't there Val" Tanith sobbed "Its ok" Val said and tried a weak smile 'poor Val!' Tanith thought to herself and called up Ghastly and told him what happened.

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