Skulduggery vs IPhone

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Valkyrie was sat on the couch playing on her iPhone when Skulduggery walked in "Valkyrie this case I- WHAT IS THAT!" he screamed and Valkyrie jumped at his sudden outburst "What is what?" she asked while her heart started to beat again "THAT THING IN YOUR HAND!" he screeched and Valkyrie looked confused "My iPhone?"

"So that's what it is?" he asked memorised and stalked over to Valkyrie and her magical devise "You have never seen one before?" Valkyrie asked and Skulduggery shook his head as he took her phone out of her hand "What does it do?" he examined the phone and Valkyrie rolled her eyes "You can play games, call people, text, go on social media! Anything you want really!"

"Woah." he said and put his finger on the screen and swiped it to the left slightly and the screen moved "OH MY GOD IT MOVED! VALKYRIE IT MOVED!" he yelled in disbelief "Yes that's what phones tend to do."


"Its normal!" Valkyrie yelled and Skulduggery swiped his finger again and he laughed insanely "This is an amazing thing Valkyrie." he said and just as he was about to swipe again there was a buzz and a message popped up on the screen "OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT!" he screamed and threw the phone across the room "SKULDUGGERY! I just got that!" she cried and went after her phone and picked the phone up "Your lucky its not cracked." she muttered and checked the message and Skulduggery came up behind her and rested his skull on her head looking at the screen as she typed "What are you doing?" he asked "I'm messaging Tanith." she pressed the send button and Tanith quickly typed back "How did you do that!" he cried and took the iPhone of her once again "This is incredible!" he said and just then Ghastly walked in the room holding an ipad "WHAT IS THAT!" Skul screamed and launched himself at Ghastly's magical devise as Valkyrie sighed.

1 hour later...

Valkyrie was doing her homework when she heard a bang coming from the other room so she bolted out of the couch and ran into the kitchen where Skulduggery was staring at the shattered iPhone on the floor "WHAT DID YOU DO!" Val screeched and Skulduggery looked at her so innocently she almost believed he didn't do anything "It didn't work." he said and it took everything Valkyrie had not to scream and hit him "What didn't work?" she asked calmly "Airplane mode didn't work Valkyrie! The devise didn't fly!" he said and Valkyrie snarled.


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