New love

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"Oh my god, this is going to be to funny!" Valkyrie laughed and Tanith grinned "Just one drop of this potion and he will fall in love with her!"

"Lets do this!"

"Lets!" they both grinned and snuck into Skulduggery's office while he was sorting out files in the back and put the pink liquid into his coffee, they were both giggling like manics when they came out, "This Is going to be gold!" squealed Tanith.

Skulduggery sat down after a hard days work of sorting files out and relaxed into his chair, took his coffee and sipped it for a while. He pulled the mug away from his lips and he felt a sudden rush of realisation flood into him "How have I been so blind?" he asked himself and sprinted out his office and down to the prison cells shouting his newly found love at the top of his lungs until he eventually came across her cell "Peg!" he cried happily and she looked up "Skuluggery! I oov oo!"

"I love you to Peg!" he unlocked the cell door and immediately pulled her down for a kiss. Tanith and Valkyrie were killing themselves with laugher as they recorded the whole thing. When the two finally pulled away Skulduggery got down on one knee and presented a golden ring "Peg! Will you do me the honour o becoming my wife?" he asked lovingly "Yes!" she yelled happily and he slipped the ring on and she picked him up and carried him back up stairs where they got ready for their wedding. Tanith and Valkyrie were on the floor about to pass out since they were laughing too much.

Valkyrie, Tanith, Ghastly, Anton, Saracen and Dexter were all sat on the front rows of the hall trying, but failing, to keep in their laughter as the couple at the alter held hands staring adoringly into each others eyes "Skulduggery, do you take Peg to be your wife?" Erskine asked slowly in attempt to keep his laughter in "I do!" Skulduggery said "And do you Peg, take Skulduggery to be your husband?"

"I oo!" she yelled and Erskine looked away for a minute to wipe away the tears forming in his golden eyes "I now pronounce you...husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!" Peg pulled Skulduggery to him and kissed him, although it looked like she was trying to eat his face. That was their breaking point, everyone in the room collapsed into fits of laughter while the wedding video was uploading to youtube.

Skulduggery awoke with a groan and a killer headache "Oww." he moaned and looked around trying to adjust his eyes to the light but when he saw who was lying next to him, he actually fell of the bed and screamed. Peg was lying down next to him, completely naked as well as himself "No! No, no, no ,no, no, no, no, no! This cant be happening!" he said to himself in disbelief but when he looked at his hand and saw the wedding ring on his finger he threw up on the floor. Him and Peg had gotten married and had...intimate contact during the night "Skuluggery?" Peg groaned and Skulduggery looked at her with wide eyes and a pale face "I pregnant!" she squealed and Skulduggery stared in shock before fainting and hitting the floor.

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