Fallen Angel (Part 2)

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Skulduggery almost fainted at the sight of Valkyrie. She was wearing a floor length skirt with a black crop top that hardly reaches her belly button, but the weirdest part about her was that even though she had a massive chunk missing out of her stomach she looked to be perfectly fine, she didn't look fazed at all. Skulduggery just stared and because he was so distracted by her he didn't notice Dusk lunging for him, and pinned him to the floor. Dusk grinned down at him while Skulduggery struggled to get out of his grip but he was to distracted, to do so "Well Detective, you seem to have been caught!" Dusk said very amused and smug but Skulduggery didn't reply he just wriggled around, but Dusk tightened his grip and brought his teeth down to his neck and was about to bite him when Valkyrie spoke "Dusk, im going to give you one chance to let him go, if you do I shall spear you." Dusk laughed and looked at her "Oh, what are you going to do? Glare me to death?"

"Don't temp me!"

"Oh, im so scared!" Dusk mocked and Valkyrie grinned "You asked for it!" she said and closed her eyes and a few seconds later her skin started to grow darker, until from her shoulders and downwards was covered in black skin. She stayed like this for a while before parts of her black skin started to break and flake of to reveal what looked like lava underneath it (Like the picture above) everyone in the room gasped, and the chains holding her up started to melt, until it was just liquid and Valkyrie was free. Dusk jumped of, of Skulduggery and backed up into the corner of the room while Valkyrie stalked up to him with her head down, she raised her hand so it was out in front of her and a stream of fire erupted from her palms and Dusk screeched when the flames enveloped him and Valkyrie clicked her fingers and Dusk exploded into ashes and they all fell to the floor. She turned around and looked at Skulduggery who was still on the floor to shocked to move, but then she looked at Ghastly who was struggling to breathe now, so she rushed over to him and released him for the chains and he fell to the floor with a thud. She knelt down beside him and put a hand on his chest "Ok, Ghastly, this is going to burn a bit. Ok?" she said and Ghastly merely nodded and Valkyrie closed her eyes and her palm started to glow and were her hand was on Ghastly's chest started to make his veins red and orange as Ghastly cried out in pain and tried to bat her hands away, but he needed to be healed so he kept going, and where the chunk was missing in his side started to reform, slowly. Eventually Ghastly was healed but his veins were still glowing and he was close to crying, it hurt so much "Val...please make it stop....it hurts...please..." he whispered and Valkyrie nodded and took her hand away and Ghastly sighed out in relief and he started to breathe heavily "Skulduggery, im going to need you help to carry Ghastly to the van!" she called out and even though he was still shocked he came over anyway and knelt down next to him "Ok can you carry him?" she asked and Skulduggery nodded and scooped Ghastly into his arms and carried him out to the van.

When they got outside they walked over to the van but there was a giant hole in the back of it and Ghastly gasped "Oh, no!" he breathed and Skulduggery looked at him "Whats wrong?"

"I left the little girl in there." he sighed and put his hands over his eyes and Valkyrie ran over to it and gasped. There was a corpse of a dead girl with a hole in her belly "Oh, god." she said and she reached in and pulled the girl out and Ghastly gasped "Oh, I shouldn't of left her!" he said and put a hand over his mouth as Skulduggery put him in the van and Valkyrie got In after him and held his hand "It wasn't your fault Ghastly. We'll take her to the sanctuary and bury her properly, OK?" Valkyrie asked and Ghastly nodded sadly. He couldn't help but feel guilty for the girls death.

A while later they were in the sanctuary sat in Ghastly's office "Ok, so im guessing you want to know how I am back?" Valkyrie asked and both med nodded "Ok, well when I died, I did go to heaven and in heaven you are put in categories, you are either War, peace, earth, love, death, or sea. And I was put in the category war, and in that category you can be a Fire angel, Water angel or Air angel, I chose fire angel, hence why I could do that with my body and all the fire and stuff. I came back because I was assigned Skulduggery's guardian angel, and I suspected he would get into trouble soon so I asked the lord if I could go back down to earth and he said I could if I gave up my wings...so I did, and I came back down." Valkyrie explained and both men looked at her in disbelief "You...you gave up my wing for me?" Skulduggery asked and she nodded "I didn't want to see you get hurt." she said in no more than a whisper "But now, I must go back." she said and Skulduggery tensed "What?"

"I have to go back up."


"Because its where I belong!"

"No! You belong here! With us!" he shouted close to tears and Ghastly patted his back "Skul, we have to let her go."

"NO! I cant go through that pain again!" 

"Skul, I know it was hard but we have to let her go."

No! NO I WONT LET YOU GO!" he shouted and started to cry Valkyrie looked at Ghastly and nodded at him, he did the same back and walked out leaving them alone. Valkyrie walked up to Skulduggery and enveloped him in a hug "Skul, I know how much you don't want me to go, but I don't have a choice." she whispered and Skulduggery hugged her back forcefully "I don't want you to leave. Please don't leave me Val. I love you so much." he whispered back and Valkyrie pulled away and lifted his head up and placed a tender kiss on his rosy lips "I love you too Skul, I always will. I promise..." her voice faded and when Skulduggery looked at where she was standing...she was already gone. He collapsed to his knees and started to cry.

Its not over yet! Don't worry!    

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