Mini Detective

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Valkyrie and Skulduggery was cuddled up on the couch watching TV when Brooklyn came through the door wearing Skulduggery's navvy suit jacket, with the sleeves way to big, and the jacket too long it looked like a dress on her. She also had one of his hats on which was slanted over one eye, because it was too big. She had his shoes on and they looked like they belonged on a clown compared to her ting feet. Brooklyn waddled over to Skulduggery and said "Look Daddy! Im a detective!" Skulduggery chuckled and lifted her onto his lap "I like your outfit!" he said and Brooklyn cuddled into him as Romeo came through the door wearing Valkyries jacket and boots which reached his knees, he didn't look impressed "Brooklyn, why do I have to look like a girl?" Brooklyn sighed and said "Because im the boss, and I tell you what to do!" Skulduggery and Valkyrie laughed at there daughters sassiness and Romeo sulked "Come here son!" Skulduggery said and held out his arms for Romeo to join him, so Romeo waddled over and Brooklyn brought out a mini water gun from her pocket and pointed it at Romeo "Come any closer and ill shoot!" She yelled and Valkyrie glared at Skulduggery and said "I wonder where she learnt that from?" Skulduggery gulped and said "I don't know!" Romeo moved a tiny bit and Brooklyn yelled "Your under arrest!" and squirted water at her brother who was trying to run away in his boots, so Brooklyn jumped of Skulduggery's lap and took they shoes of and ran after him, she caught up and tackled him to the ground "I am placing your under arrest for the attempted ruining of farther, daughter time!" Brooklyn yelled and hand cuffed him with plastic hand cuffs and pulled him up and dragged him to Skulduggery and said "I caught the criminal Dad!" Skulduggery laughed and said "You did, did you now?"

"Yes!" Brooklyn said and shoved Romeo to the ground and he fell face first on the floor and groaned "Well if he is the criminal, then he should get a chance of revenge!" Skulduggery said and released Romeo who jumped of and  reached for Brooklyn's hat but she ran of screaming "NOT MY HAT!" and he ran after her while Valkyrie and Skulduggery laughed "Now I know where she gets it from!" Valkyrie said and laughed while Skulduggery bent down and kissed her. They heard "Ewwww!" from behind them so they turned and saw Brooklyn and Romeo stood with horrified looks "Since were dressed like you, we don't have to kiss do we?" Brooklyn asked and Skulduggery laughed and nodded, so Brooklyn shoved Romeo onto the floor for the second time in five minutes and said "Don't even think about it Romeo!" and she ran off while Skulduggery laughed and kissed Valkyrie again.

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