Random Shenanigans

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"There is not a word in the English language to describe me!" Skulduggery smirked "I can think of one." Valkyrie said

"What would that be?"



Skulduggery held Valkyrie as they flew through the clouds, "Valkyrie?"


"I can show you the world-"

"Shut up Skulduggery."

"Yes dear."


"Your such a dick, Skulduggery."

"It wasn't my fault..."

"Then why the hell was my prom date a pile of ashes on the porch?"

"...he fell down the stairs..."


"...a lot. It was tragic."

"Your death is going to be tragic."

"Valkyrie, You cant kill what is already dead."

"Oh, trust me Skulduggery, I will find a goddam way!"









"Justin Bieber." Skulduggery slammed on the Bentley's brakes and glared at Valkyrie "That... was to far."

"Its still true." they say in silence for a while "Bitch."


"I know a song that will get on your nerves, get on your nerves, get on your nerves-" Valkyrie sung over and over again while Skulduggery searched 'How to kill a teenager and make it look like and accident.' on google.


"Skulduggery I swear to god-"

"TALK PLEASANT TO ME!" faint saxophone noises could be heard in the background.


"I am so hot-"

"No you aren't."

"What! Yes I am! Name three people of the top of your head who are hotter than me!"

"Heath ledger, Elvis Presley and Mrs Brown from Mrs Browns boys."

"But that's a man in a dress!"

"Which is what you are at this moment." Skulduggery looked at himself in the mirror and admired the pink ball gown he was wearing "I thought it looked nice." he muttered.


"Skulduggery, I bet I can guess your given name."

"Id like to see you try."

"Ok! Todd?"







"...when I see Ghastly again, I'm going to throttle him..."




"Wanna have sex?"

"In the middle of a the sanctuary?"


"...Sure, why not."


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2015 ⏰

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