The dead men host a wedding

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The beautiful bride walked down the aisle while Valkyrie and Tanith walked behind her holding a bouquet of roses each. They didn't know who this woman was. They didn't know why they were there. They didn't even know what day it was to be honest. Erskine had called them both at stupid-o'clock in the morning and told them to get to the sanctuary because there was a wedding.
Skulduggery watched Valkyrie as she walked down the aisle in that beautiful dress, he was practically drooling over her "Why don't you just tell her?" Ghastly asked and Skulduggery turned to him "Because, I'm a skeleton and she is a beautiful, flawless, perfect, angelic, faultless, amazing, funny, kind, kickass, sexy, incredible, heavenly, gorgeous girl. I don't even like her that much." Ghastly chuckled and patted his shoulder "I'm sure you don't bud." when the bride got down the aisle she held hands with her partner and Valkyrie and Tanith sat down next to Skulduggery and Ghastly "Dearly...somethings..." great start Erskine..."We are gathered here today to...uh...ah shit! Line!" Dexter came forward and whispered his line in his ear and Erskine nodded "We are gathered here today to join..." he had forgotten their names already "Him...and marriage." what a save "Ok! So do you I'm guessing you two love each other very much so I'm just gonna get to it! Do you people have any vows? Cause we need to make this quick, I've got to go have a hair cut at twelve." Erskine looked at the two and they nodded "We-""Great! Ok, where are the rings?" the couple looked at Saracen who was sleeping on the bench "OI!" Ghastly yelled and Saracen woke up screaming "FUCK ME HARD!" he then looked around and blushed "Oops."

"Saracen, you can dream about me later but you need to give them the rings." Skulduggery said and everyone laughed as Saracen grumbled and reached into his pocket to pull out the rings but he soon discovered...they weren't there "Um..." he said and sprinted out the hall leaving the everyone silent "Where are the rings?" Valkyrie whispered and looked around and saw them on the floor...right under the brides dress "Oi, Dexter! Go get them!" Dexter looked at where they were and crawled along the floor and without the bride knowing he lifted up her dress and crawled under it and when he didn't come out after a while Skulduggery looked at Valkyrie "What is he doing?" he asked and when she shrugged he crawled under the brides dress and looked at Dexter who was staring at the girls knickers from where he was sat "Dexter!" Skulduggery whispered and he tore his gaze away and looked at the skeleton under the dress "Oh hey, Skul! Come look at this! She's on her period!" Skulduggery sngrilly sighed and was about to crawl back out when he considered this "Dexter move up." he said and crawled in the same place Dexter once was and stared upward "Nice." he muttered.

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