Please don't go

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Valkyrie stood on the edge of the pier waiting for Skulduggery with tears streaming down her face, it had been the worse day of her life and she knew it was going to remain like that. She looked out at sea and remembered all the amazing memories she had had with her friends like the time Skulduggery and her had there first kiss on the beach when they were supposed to be training but it ended up as a make out session. Or the time where Ghastly and Valkyrie made Sanguine cry by insulting his glasses and his outfit, they were both in fits of laughter as it happened. There was also that time with Tanith when they gave the boys a makeover while they were sleeping and when they woke up it wouldn't come off so they had to go to an important sanctuary meeting with it on, it was hilarious. All these memories would not be kept in her mind but rather in her heart, and they will never be forgotten. She heard footsteps crunching on the grass behind her getting closer and closer until two strong arms wrapped around her waist and hot lips trailing up her neck, oh how she was going to miss this "Hey gorgeous." he whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek before turning her around and looked at her tear stained face "Hey? Whats wrong angel?" he asked softly and wiped the tears away from her rosy cheeks "Skul!" she moaned miserably and jumped into his arms and hugged him tight "Val?" he asked concerned so she pulled back and looked him in the eyes " parents. They know about magic." she said and Skulduggery's expression softened and he pulled her back into the hug "Its ok Val, we'll get through it!"

"But that not the worse part!" she said and cried harder "Whats the worst part?" he asked and wiped away the tears "T...there making me move away from Ireland so ill never see you again!" she said and Skulduggery looked shocked "W...what?" he stuttered "Y...your leaving?"

"I have too!" she cried into Skulduggery's shoulder and his eyes started to water "No! No you will not leave me!" he said sternly hugging her so tight she thought she may break "Skul, look at me!" Skulduggery lifted his tear stained face from Valkyrie's neck and looked at her "I love you ok! No matter what happens I will always love you!" she sobbed and Skulduggery cried "No! Your not going! Your staying here with me!"

"Skul, I love you so much!"

"No! NO! Please don't leave! DONT!" he shouted the last part and buried his head into Valkyries neck and sobbed along with Valkyrie "I don't want to, but I don't have a choice!"

"Don't leave. Please don't leave!" his shoulders were shaking violently "I'm so sorry." Valkyrie couldn't help the shout of pain that came out from her lips, he looked up at her with his blotchy face and caressed hers "Please Val! You cant go! Your all I have left!"

"My parents wont let me stay!"

"Then ill come with you!"

"But I don't know where I'm going!"

"Then ill follow you! I don't care where you go ill follow you! I'm not leaving you!"

"You cant, you need to stay here."

"But I need YOU!"

"I'm so sorry!" Valkyrie couldn't take it anymore she pulled his face to hers and kissed him urgently and he replied even more enthusiastically, his hands roaming into places they never dared before, her thighs, her bra, even down her pants! He needed to savour her touch and her body, she moaned into his mouth when his hand went beneath bra and there lips never lost contact as her hands explored his muscular build just as much as he was and he groaned when her hand stroked his abs gently. There was no way that he was letting her go, he needed her to survive. Valkyrie never wanted the kiss to end, but she new it had to so she broke away and looked at him dead in the eye "When do you leave?" he asked "Tomorrow night."

"Ok, atleast that gives us enough time to get married!"

"What?" she was in disbelief, was he..."Valkyrie Cain," he got down on one knee and presented her with a beautiful sliver ring "Will you marry me?"

"YES!" she yelled and jumped into his arms and he slid the ring on her finger "I love you more than words can describe!" he said and picked her up bridal style and carried her to the Bentley where soon enough two naked bodies were intertwined in a lovers embrace in the backseat.

The following morning Valkyrie and Skulduggery got married happily to eachother and they also discovered that Valkyrie was pregnant so with a baby on the way they decided to elope together where they would happily ever after, until the end!

Yo three updates in one day! I am on a role! 

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