Fallen Angel (Part 3)

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Skulduggery lay motionless in Valkyries bed. He was always like this, he wouldn't move for days, even weeks, he wouldn't eat, he wouldn't talk and he wouldn't sleep, the only thing he did was cry for her. He missed her so much, ever since she went back up he had been depressed. He wouldn't even shower because he didn't want to wash away the taste of her lips on his or she scent of her body on him. He couldn't cope, he had tried to commit suicide more than once, but he knew Valkyrie would want him to live, and too move on, even though he knew that wasn't possible. In his right hand he had a picture of him, Valkyrie hugging at Tanith and Ghastly's wedding. In the other hand he held her little teddy which she always slept with "Valkyrie." he moaned, that was the only word he had spoken in 4 weeks, his voice was raspy and dry, he needed water, he needed food, but he kept thinking he didn't need any because he had a pizza last week. Ghastly and Tanith would try and call him but he never answered, they would visit him but he wouldn't talk. Skulduggery was broken without Valkyrie.

He lay looking at the ceiling thinking about all the good times they had together, like the time at the beach where Skulduggery and Valkyrie had to chase after Tanith in the water because her rubber ring was swept away and she decided to chase after it, or the time when they both started to do the cha cha slide to distract a mob of Vampires while they waited for backup. All them good times still remained in his head, never to be forgotten. He didn't know what to do without her, she was his world. Tears were rolling down his face and he was sobbing hard, but he stopped when he heard a voice "Skulduggery, im coming back...hold on for me" it was Valkyrie, but Skulduggery refused to listen to it "Its not real! Its not real! I miss you so much and your teasing me about it!" he yelled and put his hands over his eyes and cried. He had been like this for a while until he felt a delicate hand on his shoulder, and he knew it was either Tanith or Ghastly but he didn't move "Skulduggery, please turn around..." the person begged and Skulduggery gasped and took his hands away from his face and slowly turned his head to face the direction of the person. He looked around and there stood Valkyrie Cain herself smiling at him "Valkyrie?" he whispered "Its me Skul. I told you I was coming back." she said and Skulduggery jumped up on stiff legs and hugged her tight but he fell and they collapsed onto the bed still hugging "Please tell me this is real! Please!" he sobbed into her neck and she smiled "Im here Skul. Im really here." Skulduggery started to cry harder "I missed you so much, I couldn't live without you!"

"I missed you so much too Skul." she whispered and Skulduggery pulled away for a minute and looked her dead in the eye before cupping her face and bringing his lips to hers so delicately and tenderly with all the love and passion he could put into it and she responded just with equal love. They pulled away and they embraced each other again for the longest time, and Skulduggery didn't mind one bit, he had his Fallen Angel back, and he couldn't he happier.

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