Just a normal day (Featuring Bella Pleasant)

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Bella Pleasant/Avril Saffron = ValkyrieJade19- Go follow this girl, she is an amazing writer and a lovely person, and he had the potential to become a incredible author one day! Love you! xxx 

Bella Pleasant was the daughter of Skulduggery and Valkyrie Pleasant, she has long dark hair with beautiful dark eyes, and she looks just like her mother! She is an elemental and she has had a lot of training from her parents!

So, Bella Pleasant woke up in her bed on a normal Sunday morning (well if you count being hunted down normal) and she got dressed and made her way down stairs and walked into the kitchen and made some cereal, sat down and ate it while texting on her phone

Bella: Heyy xx

Raelynn: Heyy chick! xxx Wazzup?

Bella: Eatin' cereal? WBU? xxx

Raelynn: I'm being held hostage! xxx

Bella: WHAT?! xxx

Raelynn: Dunno, how happened! Woke up in a van! Lol xxx

Bella: D'ya need help? xxx

Raelynn: Nah, I got this! But anyway GTG fella infront of me's givin' me a funny look! C ya laterrr! xxx

Bella: C ya! xx

Bella put her phone away and laughed at the fact its actually normal to get kidnapped. She got up and put her empty bowl in the sink and walked into the living room where Skulduggery and Valkyrie were kissing, a little to passionately for her liking "Um...id like to keep my breakfast in my stomach, thank you very much!" Bella said slightly disgusted and her parents pulled away and looked at her "Sorry, so how are you?" Skulduggery asked "Fine! Little sore from yesterday, but apart from that I'm grand!"

"I asked if you needed help with Dusk."

"Yeah, well I had It handled!"

"Yeah, because having a chunk of flesh missing from your shoulder, is considered having it handled!"

"Tis in my books!"

"....yeah well I wouldn't publish it for the public to read..." Skulduggery muttered and Bella hit him on the head "Ow!" he moaned and rubbed his head "Hey, guess what?" he asked "What?"

"Its my birthday tomorrow!"

"Good for you." Bella said and sat down and Skulduggery frowned "i said...its my birthday tomorrow!"

"And I said...good for you!"

"What's my present?"


"Hope I can get a refund...." he muttered and luckily Bella didn't hear but Valkyrie did and wacked him over the head "OWWW! What is it with you people smacking my head today!"

"Its just amusing!" Bella said and smirked

"My ego has just been wounded! So now I am going to flick my hair and storm out of the room dramatically!" he huffed and did just that, but a few seconds later he came back into the room and grabbed Valkyrie's hand "What are you doing?" she asked

"I'm going to our room." he said and Valkyrie grinned, she knew what her meant and unfortunately so did Bella "OH GOD!" she yelled and began to walk out of the 5 mile radius of the house. She had been walking for a while now until she came across a very suspicious van ( Don't ask, just go with it!) so she walked over to it and peeked in the window and saw a man with a balaclava on his face and he spotted her, so he opened the door and grabbed her hand and shoved her in the back with another man, so she sat awkwardly for a while "Hey, what did the whale say to the sea?" she asked

"..." the man said nothing

"Nothing it just waved!" she said and began to laugh but the man didn't so she clicked her fingers and generated a flame "Ya'll better start laughing real fucking soon." she said and the man just looked shocked, so she brought out her phone and began to record his face. The face of pure terror and Bella grinned "Now, I suggest you open the goddam door, before I burn you." she said with a sweet smile plastered on her face and the man opened the door with shaking hands "Have a nice day!" she said and walked off like nothing happened and the van sped off "better get my dad a present then..." she said and walked into town and began her search.

After a few hours she was back home and sitting on the couch when Skulduggery and Valkyrie entered looking tires and messy "Well then...um I would ask how your day has been, but I really don't want you to go into detail..." Bella said and looked away from them "I got kidnapped t'day!" she said casually and Skulduggery nodded "Good! Did you handle it?"

"Yeah, they were mortals! Should have seen his face when I generated a flame! Bloody hilarious!" she said and Skulduggery chuckled "Just another day!" he said and grinned "Hey I got your present!" she said and Skulduggery got excited "Ooo! Gimmie! Gimmie!" he said like a child on Christmas day "Ok!" she said and brought out a box wrapped in paper and tossed it to him, and he tore open the box and threw the box to the floor when he saw what was inside it, and Bella grinned "Aw! Its alright mittens wont hurt you!" she said and picked up the cat that climbed out the box and shoved it in Skulduggery's face so he jumped over the couch, his hat coming off in the process and running out the room, and Bella put mittens down at it stalked over to his hat and peed on it and Valkyrie and Bella started to laugh "Dad! Mittens peed on your hat!" she yelled and Skulduggery came rushing into the room and looked at his beloved hat now covered in cat pee "NO! That was my favourite hat!" he wined and the girls just laughed.

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