Mistakes (part 2)

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After a while of sobbing Skulduggery and Valkyrie sat down and looked into eachothers eyes and Valkyrie "Why?" Skulduggery just looked at her and said "It wasn't me!"

"But you were in a bad mood before!"

"I know but I didn't know Vile was going to overcome me!"

"But why would he take it out on my family!?"

"I DONT KNOW! STOP BLAMING THIS ON ME!" Skulduggery roared and stalked over to Val with anger written all over his face "YOU KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO HAVE SOMEONE CONTROLLING YOU!" he roared and Valkyrie cowered back and said "im sor-"

"NO SAVE IT VAL!" Skulduggery had lost control and brought his hand back and smacked it across Valkyries jaw causing her to scream out and fall to the floor. Just then Ghastly and Tanith ran into the room and looked at the scene before them and Ghastly went to Skul and pulled him away while Tanith attended to a broken Valkyrie. She bent down next to her and Val propped her self up on her elbows and Tanith gasped. Val had a broken jaw and blood pouring from her mouth and down her chin onto the floor. Tanith helped her up and lead her to Ghastly, and when he saw her he walked over to her and hugged her tight, before breaking the hug and stalking over to Skulduggery and back handed him across the jaw with all his strength, causing Skul's jaw to literally fall of. Ghastly had anger written all over his face so he told Val to go to Kenspeckle, so she did so. Ghastly turned and snarled at Skul and shouted "HOW DARE YOU! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TROUBLE YOU CAUSED HER! SHE TRUSTED YOU FOR GODS SAKE!" Skulduggery looked up and said "I...I don't know what came over me...I...I...!"

"SHE IS MY DAUGHTER!" Ghastly shouted and Skulduggery looked at him "YOu have never said that before."

"She is like a daughter to me! I love her!"

"She  loves you too." Ghastly smiled, he really did love her like a daughter, and she thought of him like a farther! But Ghastly was still mad "Why did you do it Skul?"

"I...I don't know!"

"Tell me please! Your my brother Skul, we've been through thick and thin together! I need to know whats wrong so I can help you through it! Please Skul! Talk to me!" Ghastly begged frantically and Skulduggery looked up and stood up and hugged Ghastly "I love you too.....Brother!" Skulduggery said and smiled the only way a skeleton could "Ok, ill tell you." Skulduggery said nervously and sat down next to Ghastly and started talking.

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