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Valkyrie stood on the doorstep of Skulduggery's house, nervously awaiting an answer. She had been wanting to tell him this for weeks but she was scared...she was scared that he would fire her as his partner because of it. When she went to tell him a few days ago she couldn't get the words out properly but it was time.

Eventually the door opened and Skulduggery tilted his head to show he was smiling but when Valkyrie didn't smile back he tilted his head again to show him frowning "Val? Are you ok?" he asked softly and she didn't say anything, she just walked past him into the living room where she sat down o the couch, "Valkyrie? Whats wrong?" he asked and sat next to her and was about to pull her into a hug but she shuffled away "Val?" he asked, hurt "I...I need to tell you something...but you cannot interrupt." she said sternly and he nodded slowly "Ok...ive been needing to tell you something for a while now." she began and she opened her mouth to speak again but a big glossy tear rolled down her face as she thought about it "I...I..." she couldn't get it was too difficult, "I..." she didn't know how to say it "Valkyrie?" he whispered and shuffled closer to her "I don't know how to say it." tears rolled silently down her face and fell onto her lap "You know you can tell me anything? I cant help you until you tell me whats wrong." he was pleading now so Valkyrie sucked in a big breath "I...I have cancer." she said quietly and she burst into sobs " have...cancer?" he whispered as if he was broken and was about to cry himself "Yes." she managed and her sobs got louder. Skulduggery pulled her close to him and rocked her like a baby "Shhh, I'm here." he said and she kept crying "I don't know what to do." she cried and he just held her tighter as if she was about to get taken away from her "Its ok, I'm here! You don't need to cry! We will get through this together. We said Until the not breaking that promise." he soothed

"Until the end?" she asked

"Until the end." he agreed and cuddled her closer

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