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Scapegrace walked along the pier muttering angrily to himself "Stupid Thrasher, I give him one simple task." he kept walking with his hair blowing in his face. How he hated being a girl, he hated the clothes, the hair and the heels! He didn't know how girls walked. He had been stood waiting for Thrasher to pick him up when somebody sat next to him on the bench so he shuffled away a bit and they both sat in silence for a while "Lovely day isn't it?" Scapegrace could have screamed but he couldn't find his voice. There was no way it was! He was a skeleton, not a human "Yes." was all he could say in a high voice and the man turned to him "I'm Skulduggery Pleasant, whats your name?" his voice was velvet and soft "Sc-Grace! Grace." Scapegrace said and looked at Skulduggery who was smiling at him as he scooted over a bit "That's a very pretty name."


"So what is a pretty lady like you doing out here all alone?" there was no way

"Nothing of interest. Just...looking at the sun."

"It is very pretty...much like you." did the great skeleton detective have a crush on him?

"Um...thanks." Skulduggery chuckled and sneakily put an arm around Scapegraces back "Do you mind if I stay with you?"

"No." his voice was a squeak now "So, Grace. Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No!" why did he say that? He could have said yes and make Skulduggery back off "Well why doesn't a beautiful woman like you not have a person who loves her?"

"I don't know."

"Its really quite a shame. I can see what the men would be missing out on."

"Yep!" he could hardly speak as he scooted closer making there shoulders touch "So, would you fancy going out this Saturday?" he asked hopefully and Scapegrace almost fainted "Sure!" he squeaked and Skulduggery smiled "Ok! Ill meet you here at nine!" he lent over and kissed his cheek "See you on Saturday." when he got up and drove away in his Bentley Scapegrace sat there. Shocked.

Skulduggery bounded through the house looking for Valkyrie and when he found her she was sat looking at a case file "Hey Skul! Scapegrace has escaped from the cells again! This is what he looks like now, he had his body changed!" she handed him a photo and he took one look before fainting and hitting the floor.  

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