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It was ten o'clock on a Saturday morning and Skulduggery had been waiting at the pier for an hour waiting for his combat accessory. He huffed and started to walk to her house since he was bored of waiting.

He flew up to her window and when he got there it was already open so he climbed in and recoiled at what he saw "You look...disgusting." he eventually said. Valkyrie was lay I her bed with her hair messy and her face twisted into a snarl "Thanks." she growled "What happened? You look like you got run over by a bus."

"I swear if you don't shut up Pleasant I will hit you with a bus."

"How exactly do you plan on doing that?"

"...Hitting you with a bus? I don't know how to make it any clearer."

"Fine! But what is wrong with you? You look horrid!"

"Pleasant, I swear if you don't shut you non existent mouth and piss off I will shoot your hat!"

"Jeez! You cranky today, I mean you always are...but today especially!"

"Sorry if I seem agitated- I just laid an egg and now my body is violently ripping down the walls of my uterus which it does twelve times a year!"

"Ohhh! So its your time of the month?"

"Yes." she growled and turned over in her bed and Skulduggery chuckled before sitting on the bed with her "It cant be that bad."

"Skul, it feels like midgets are dancing on my ovaries..."

"You have been shot before!"

"And your point is?"

"You didn't even shed a tear but now your having your period the world is ending!"

"It is. Just like yours will if you don't shut the hell up." Skulduggery chuckled and climbed in the bed with her and wrapped his arms around her "Go to sleep."

"I swear to god if I wake up and my bed sheets look like the Japan flag I'm gonna be real fucking pissed."

"Oh joy."

"Oh and Skul?"


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