The reflection and the skeleton detective (part 2)

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"No, no, no, no, no." Valkyrie muttered over and over again. How was this even possible? The reflection is just a copy of her! "This cant be happening." she whispered and a tear rolled down her face. How was she going to tell Skulduggery? The reflection will soon be growing a bump and she cant destroy it because she needed it so she could go with Skulduggery and she cant leave it at home because her parents will be asking questions. What will she do?

Valkyrie only got a few hours sleep , she was too busy thinking about how she will tell Skulduggery. She didn't realise what time it was until she looked at her clock, ten o'clock, "Shit!" she muttered and scrambled out of bed and hurried to her wardrobe, she was meant to be up at seven. She opened the doors but her clothes weren't there. She rushed over to the mirror and tapped it but the reflection wasn't in there! It was gone, "The bitch!" Valkyrie snarled and picked up her phone and called the reflection "Where the hell are you?" she growled down the phone "What do you want?" came the reflections reply "Where are you? Where are my clothes?"

"I'm with Skulduggery, where else did you think I would be?"

"AT HOME! WHERE YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE!" Valkyrie was livid now "I don't have time for this! We need to find Sanguine, goodbye!" the reflection snarled and hung up on her. Valkyrie stared at her phone "She's taking over my life." Valkyrie whispered and her face twisted with anger and she crushed the phone with her hands, sat on the bed and waited for the reflection to get home.

It was about ten when it finally got back and Valkyrie immediately shoved it against the wall "How dare you!" she yelled and punched it in the face "How dare you try and take over my life!" she was about to hit it again when a fist slammed into her side and she fell to the floor, gasping was breath. She looked up to see Skulduggery looking at her with hatred in his eyes "Don't lay a finger on her!" he growled and pulled her up to her feet "SKULDUGGERY! Its me! Its Valkyrie!" she tried but Skulduggery laughed "You expect me to believe that?"

"Please Skulduggery!" Valkyrie cried and tears rolled down her face "You cant trick me!" he yelled and shoved her backwards...straight into the mirror and the reflection rushed up and tapped the glass to ensure she stayed in. Valkyrie banged and screamed on the other side of the glass but the two glared at her, but the reflection had an evil smile on her face as she faced Skulduggery "Ill see you tomorrow?"

"of course, my dear!" he kissed her passionately and Valkyrie fell to her knees and sobbed harder than she ever had.

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