Thirty Minutes

611 28 16

Will contain swearing...

"Don't make a mess." Valkyrie instructed

"Yes dear." Skulduggery replied not taking his attention of, of the puppy infront of him

"Don't let the dog run away."

"Yes dear."

"And don't forget to feed him."

"Yes dearest."

"And take the chicken out of the oven."

"Yes love"

"Will you actually act like your listening to me?"

"I am!"

"Sure you are. Right I will be back in about half an hour, so you behave yourself ok?"

"Of course I will!"

"Yeah, well don't forget: No mess, feed dog, make sure dog doesn't escape and the chicken."

"I wont!"

"Right ill see you soon!" Valkyrie said and kissed him tenderly "See you soon, love."

"Bye Skul!" Valkyrie said and walked out the front door and Skulduggery immediately grew bored, he sighed and looked at the dog "What shall we do?" Skulduggery asked it but the dog just curled up and went to sleep "Lazy git." Skulduggery muttered and he got up and searched for something to do, so he went to the radio and turned it up, 'living on the prayer' started playing and Skulduggerys mood lightened "This is what I am talking about!" he yelled and jumped on the couch and started to pretend to play the drums while dancing crazily "OH OH< LIVING ON THE PRAYER! TAKE MY HAND AND WE'LL MAKE IT I SWEAR! OH OH LIVING ON THE PRAYER!" Skulduggery screamed at the top of his lungs and jumped on the table infront of him and got down on his knees and started playing air guitar while still singing, not realising how he was knocking the cups of tea onto the white carpet. He finally finished the song and bowed to the imaginary crowd that were cheering his performance "Thank you all!" he shouted and jumped of the table and noticed the stain on the carpet "Oh Shit!" he muttered and leant down next to it and started to scrub it but it only made it smudge "Shit!" he said and jumped when then there was a beep coming from the kitchen "Fuck! The chicken!" he shouted and ran into the kitchen to see smoke surrounding the room, and since he didn't know where he was going he stubbed his toe on the table "OUCH!" he shouted and started hopping around but as he was doing it he fell down....onto the dog, Skulduggery quickly got up and carried the dog out of the kitchen and lay him down in the living room while he gave it CPR "Come on buddy! Say something! C'mon bark or something!" Skulduggery shouted but the dog didn't move "Ah shit! Ive assaulted a dog!" Skulduggery panicked and remembered the chicken so he rushed into the kitchen and looked at the chicken which was now black "FUCK!" he shouted and he had and idea, so he ran to the phone "Hello, KFC!" Skulduggery asked frantically

"Yes, how can we help you today sir?"

"I need a chicken!"

"Sorry sir, we don't do delivery!"

"But I need a chicken!"

"Im sorry sir b-"

"JUST BRING ME A GODDAM CHICKEN!" he yelled and he could here the man sigh over the phone

"Okay, okay! Where are we delivering to?"

"Gordan Edgelys estate!" Skulduggery yelled and hung up. He looked back into the kitchen to see the smoke still there so he ran to the window to open it but he tripped and his foot got stuck in the burnt chicken "SHIT!" he yelled and tried to get it of but he couldn't, just then there was a knock at the door so he hopped over to it and yanked it open to see a man dressed in KFC uniform with a live chicken in his arms "WHAT THE HELL!" Skulduggery yelled and the chicken ran into the house and Skuludggery looked at the boy "I asked for a chicken...NOT A LIVE ONE!" he shouted and the boy flinched back "Were sorry sir, we didn't know which kind you wanted."

"What kind I wanted! When you get customers do you give them live chickens? NO! Because its RIDICULOUS!" he yelled and slammed the door shut and stormed into the house to see the oven on fire "OH SHIT!" he yelled and grabbed the fire extinguisher from the wall and frantically tried to make it work but it wouldn't work so as he was trying to figure it out he pulled the handle down and the foam sprayed all over him and he squealed and pointed it at the fire, and thankfully it went out, but now Skulduggery had a problem....he didn't know how to turn it off so he started to wrestle it. That was the moment Valkyrie walked in and looked at the scene infront of her. There were stains all over her white carpet, a random chicken ran past her and unconscious dog in the living room and one Skulduggery with a burnt chicken on his foot wrestling a fire extinguisher. Valkyrie just sighed "30 minutes. I WAS GONE FORE THIRTY MINUTES!" she yelled and Skulduggery looked in her direction and laughed nervously "Uhhh....Hi honey. Welcome home!"

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