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Kenspeckle had recently given Skulduggery a little potion which made him turn human for 96 hours. He had had it on for 2 days now and Valkyrie had made a discovery. It happened yesterday when Valkyrie poked Skulduggery playfully in the stomach, this made his body jerk and he also let out a little giggle. Valkyrie had figured out that Skulduggery Pleasant was ticklish!

They were in Skulduggery living room training when Val tackled Skulduggery to the floor "I Believe I have won" Skulduggery grumbled and tried to move but Val quickly caught his hands and grinned evilly "Val..." Skul said a little scared, he tried to break the grip but Valkyrie was too strong. She brought her free hand down to his belly and started to stroke it up and down very gently, Skulduggery flinched which made Valkyrie giggle "Oh, no. You know don't you" Skulduggery said completely terrified now, Valkyrie just nodded and grinned even wider. Skulduggery tried to get up put it didn't work so he just huffed and let his head hit the floor. Valkyrie quickly let go of his hands and used both of hers to tickle his belly. Skulduggery roared with laughter and said "VAL.......please......stop......I cant.........breath!" he said in between fits of laughter, but Val just ignored him and carried on. Just then Tanith walks in and sees the scene and immediately grins. Valkyrie motioned for her to join and she obliged, Skulduggery was begging now and he had tears in his eyes from all the laughing. Tanith tickles him with Val which means double the fun for Skulduggery. While still roaring with laughter he manages too roll onto his front. Big mistake. Tanith and Val grinned and started to work on his sides, this happened to be the most tender spot for Skulduggery so he laughed harder than ever before. He was kicking his legs and trying to bat their hands away, but it didn't work. Eventually they stopped leaving a breathless Skulduggery on the floor with tears streaming down his face mixed with a bit of sweat from his head. He was still laughing, but he was thirsty for revenge.

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