Ice Skating

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A BIT SEXUAL TENSION! You have been warned

"Skulduggery, where are we going?" Valkyrie asked, Skulduggery had come to her house that morning and practically dragged her out the house "You will see when we get there."

"Well...are we there yet?"

"Does it look like were there?"

"Well I wouldn't know, since I don't know where were going!"

"...Touché." Skulduggery said and an awkward silence filled the car, so Valkyrie turned on the radio and Nicki Minaj came on so Valkyrie grinned and started to sing along "This one goes out to the boys with the boomin system, top down Ac with the cooler system. When he come up in the club he be blazin up, stacks on deck like he savin up and he ill, he real, he might got a deal, he pop bottles and got the right kinda build-"


"Ugh! You just interrupted my jam!"

"Why are you rapping?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because its distracting!"

"...Boy you got my heart beat running away beating like a drum and its coming your way, did you here that boom, boom- badoom boom, boom badoom boom? Yeah that the super bass-"


"YAY!" Valkyrie cheered and Skulduggery pulled up next to a big frozen lake and got out the car followed by Valkyrie "So...where are we?"

"Were at a lake!"

"Well, yeah I can see that. But why are we at this lake?"

"Ice Skating!" Skulduggery said and Valkyrie froze "What?"

"Ice Skating."

"But I don't have any skates."

"Well then its a good thing I brought an extra pair then isn't it?"

"Yeah." Valkyrie said and put on a fake smile. She had had a bad experience with Skating. She used to do lessons and competitions but she quit when she accidentally fell and cut herself badly with the blades on the boots, she was the best I the class, she could do all sorts of jumps and turns. Valkyrie grinned, Skulduggery probably thinks she cant skate "We'll have to prove him wrong then wont we?" Valkyrie muttered to himself "What was that?" Skulduggery asked and he gave Val her boots "Oh, nothing!"

"Ok then lets go!" he said and began his march to the lake "So do you skate?"

"I used to come here when something was on my mind or something was bothering me. It just calmed me down really."

"Yeah." Valkyrie sat down and put her boots on and left her black ones in the car. She stood up and waited for Skulduggery to finish, having skates on again felt strange but it also felt quite comforting. She breathed in the cold air and started to walk awkwardly towards the lake "Do you need help?" Skulduggery asked and Valkyrie grinned, she was going to make him think that she hadn't done this before "Um...yeah please."

"Ok just hold onto my arm."

"Ok." Valkyrie clamped his arm and as they walked onto the ice Valkyrie felt sense of relief, he had loved being on the ice when she was younger. Skulduggery started to skate gracefully around the ice and Valkyrie pretended she wasn't very good but eventually she found herself moving at the same speed of Skulduggery "Ok, I think I can let go now." She said and unclamped her arm from Skulduggerys and he smiled at her "Ok, you've got it!" he said and she grinned "Oh Skulduggery! Ive always had it!" she said and Skulduggery made a confused face but she just grinned before she started to pick up her pace, skating backwards around the lake and she finally worked up enough speed to jump up and do a triple lutz followed by a triple loop, she landed perfectly and carried on Skating until she was back with Skulduggery who had his mouth open looking gobsmacked "!" she stuttered and Valkyrie laughed "8 years of Skating lessons." she said and Skulduggery glared at her "You tricked me!"

"I know! I'm sorry."

"No your not."

"Your right I'm not!

"You hurt my feelings.

"Yeah, I know! Now come on Grandpa, lets see what you got!" She said and Skulduggery just glared at her "You expect me to do that?!"

"No, I expect you to try and fail, so I can record it and laugh and prove to myself how amazing I am!" she said and laughed at Skulduggery who was sulking "Awww! Did I hurt you ego?"

"Yeah! With your ego!"

"Oh please, my ego doesn't even exist when your around, yours is way to bug to orbit!"

"It is, is it?"

"That it is!"

"Your going to regret that Cain!" he growled playfully "Oh no!" Valkyrie mocked and began to skate faster and Skulduggery chuckled darkly before trying to top her pace "Come back here!"

"Neverrr!" she said and skated backwards to look at him "Hello!"

"Hello there!"

"You need to skate faster!"

"I'm trying!"

"Nawww! Poor Grandpa is too slow!"

"I'm not a Grandpa!"

"Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that!" She said but because she was so caught up in the conversation she didn't realise she was slowing and Skulduggery was gaining, and when she did it was too late! Skulduggery grabbed her waist and pulled her to him "Told you id get you!" she said into her ear "Damn it!" she said into his chest!"

"Now whos a Grandpa?"

"Still you, I'm not a man!"

"Or are you?"

"I am not a man!"

"Yeah, whatever you say." Valkyrie hit his arm and he laughed. They had been cuddled together for a while before Valkyrie sneezed "Are you cold?"

"A bit."

"Ok, lets get back to the Bentley." While she was still in his arms he began to skate over to the edge of the lake. They awkwardly walked to the Bentley, and took the skates of and put there normal shoes back on and got back into the car "Hey Skul?"


"Thank you for today."

"Your welcome, I had fun!"

"Yeah so did I! We should make it a monthly thing!"

"Id like that!" he said and grinned at her, but he then noticed how close there faces were and Valkyrie blushed and looked away, but Skulduggery cupped her face and made her look at him before slowly leaning in and kissing her. She was surprised at first but melted into the kiss by wrapping her arm around his neck and his arms went to her waist pulling her closer to him onto his lap. One of his hands went up her shirt slowly stroking her spine making her moan into his mouth, he fiddled with the clip on her bra and she pulled away "Now, now Mr Pleasant! We are in a car, so your going to have to wait until we get home!" she said and smirked when Skulduggery pouted "Fine!" he said and Valkyrie climbed back into her seat and before she could even put her seatbelt on Skulduggery sped off down the road. Valkyrie had never seen the Bentley drive that fast before.

They arrived back at Gordons and they stumbled in the house giggling like college students and Skulduggery took her into his arms and his lips met hers. They made there way into the living room not breaking apart and Skulduggery lifted her up and her legs wrapped around his waist as they fell onto the couch. Valkyrie started to unbutton Skulduggery's shirt while he pulled her top over her head leaving her in her bra. His shirt fell of him and Valkyrie pulled away to admire his muscular build before crushing her lips to his once again, and he trailed kisses along her jaw bone and down her neck making her shiver and moan at his touch. His hand snaked up her back and up to her bra and "Stepha- OH MY GODS!" Skulduggery and Valkyrie pulled away and they looked at the door where echo Gordon was stood looking horrified "Uh..." Valkyrie said and Skulduggery didn't move "I...ill just leave." Gordon floated away leaving the couple looking shocked but Skulduggery began to laugh and Valkyrie joined in and they finished what they started, leaving Echo Gordon scarred by all the moaning and groaning going on between his 25 year old niece and his 432 year old friend.

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