Cupids arrow

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Skulduggery was lay in the sanctuary bed asleep when Kenspeckle walked in with his results "It seems Mr Pleasant here has been shot with a love arrow." he said and Valkyrie burst out laughing "HA! So what will happen then?"

"The fist person he lays eyes on when he wakes up, he will instantly fall in love with!" Kenspeckle said and hurried out of the room to make sure he isn't the first one for hi to fall in love with, so Valkyrie laughed. A while later she grew hungry so he went to get something to eat. As she was going out Ghastly was about to enter and he told her not to hurry, so she continued to get food.

Ghastly POV

I walked into Skulduggerys room and saw him meditating on the bed so I sat down next to him and fell asleep myself until Val got back.

About an hour later I awoke with added pressure on my lap, so I looked down to see Skulduggery lay on my lap cuddling me, so I rung Valkyrie "Um....Val?"

"Hey, whats wrong?"

"So, I went to sleep and when I woke up, Skulduggery was cuddled up to me on my lap!" there was a pause and then roaring laughter from the other end of the phone "HAHAHA! HES FALLEN IN LOVE WITH YOU! HAHAHA!" Valkyrie screamed

"WHAT?" I yelled back

"He was shot with a cupid arrow. You must of been the person her saw first and fell in love with!" at this point I was too shocked to say anything so I just hung up. I looked down and Skulduggery and carefully got up hoping to god that I don't wake him. But of course he did "Hello, my love!" Skulduggery said seductively and I instantly dropped him to the floor and he clung to my leg and started to bite it "SKUL!" I yelled and shook my leg until he let go, and ran as fast as humanly possible down the hall. Soon I heard footsteps behind me and Skul's voice "BABY COME BACK TO ME!" he yelled and jumped on me causing me to fall down "Im, sorry! I didn't mean to hurt your leg!" Skulduggery sobbed into my neck so I pushed him of me as I got up "Look Skul! I don't love you!" I yelled and Skulduggery looked at me before bringing his teeth to my lips and put his hands around my waist. I tried so hard to get out of his grip but he was too strong "SKUL....GOT OF ME!" I muttered against his teeth "never." he whispered in my ear and started to bite my neck, so I punched him in the side and he jerked of me "GET. AWAY!" I roared and turned around and he jumped on my back wrapping his legs around my waist and his arms around his neck, and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck carefully biting it so I just went with it.

I turned the corner and saw Kenspeckle and Valkyrie laughing at me so I snarled and said "Can you help me please!"


"Why?" I wined

"Because its amusing!" Valkyrie said

"I swear if you don't help me, ill fire you! Both!"

"Fine!" Kenspeckle sighed and came forward with an injection and put it into Skulduggerys arm.

Skulduggery POV

I felt a little pain in my arm and when I woke I examined the position I was in. I had my head nuzzled in Ghastly's neck with a bit of his skin in between my teeth, and realised I was kissing his neck! My legs were around his waist and my arms were wrapped around his torso. I mentally gagged and fell of him in shock "I. Feel. So. Violated." I heard Ghastly say, and I didn't blame him. I saw Valkyrie laughing and she put her phone infront of my face, and a video played. The video was me kissing Ghastly on the lips, so I just gagged and threw up literally. I didn't even know that was possible, but then again to say I was utterly disgusted would be a massive under statement. So I crawled up and joined Ghastly with hugging my legs and rocking back and forth in shock, while Valkyrie showed the video to everyone around. 

Valduggery-One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें