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Skulduggery sat at his desk daydreaming about a certain someone, he was in love! Once his wife died he vowed to never love again, but he was finding it exceedingly difficult not to! He had developed these strange feelings about a month ago, and he didn't know what was wrong with him for a while but he finally realised at to tell the truth he was disgusted with himself but eventually he couldn't help the feelings for this special person in his life. This person was Ghastly Bespoke. Skulduggery had been daydreaming for a while before he snapped out of it and looked at what he was writing, there were dozens of hearts and inside of them read Skulduggery Bespoke or Ghastly Pleasant, he snarled and brought out his case file which he needed to give into Ghastly, but he couldn't help but look at the piece of paper which he had just been writing on. Skulduggery had a bit of an obsession to be honest, he had a folder dedicated to Ghastly with pictures of him and poems all neatly put together so he took the paper and clipped it to the front of the folder and closed it again "Why, why did I have to fall for him?" he said to himself "Fall for who?" a voice asked. That was the same voice that made Skulduggerys knees tremble and his heart beat 10 times faster, the voice that made him want to die of happiness, it was Ghastly " one!" Skulduggery stuttered "Uh, huh! Sureeee." Ghastly smirked and walked closer to him "Do you have to file?"

"!" he said and handed him a file "Thanks Skul!" Ghastly said and walked out the door with a grin spread across his scarred face. The scars that had become precious to Skulduggery, he just wanted to kiss each and every one of them, but he couldn't be thinking of that right now he needed to get home, so he picked up the remaining folder on his desk and walked out the sanctuary to his beloved Bentley.

He trudged into his house and slumped into his chair with the folder still in his hands. He hadn't seen Ghastly's face since they were at the sanctuary and in his opinion that was way to long so he opened the file expecting to see Ghastly beautiful scarred face but instead all he saw was he case file, and Skulduggery's heart temporarily stopped breathing and his breath vanished "No. no no no no no no no no no no no no." he repeated over and over again. He had given Ghastly the wrong folder. Skulduggey sprinted to the Bentley and sped to the sanctuary.

When he arrived he ran as fast as he could to Ghastly office ignoring Tippstaff who tried to haul him back. He burst through the doors to see Ghastly looking at the folder and Skulduggery's heart stopped "Ghastly." he tried but Ghastly held up a hand to stop him "Skul, I'm assuming you gave me the wrong folder?"


"And I'm also assuming you have an obsession with me?"


"Well can I just tell you it was the most obvious thing in the world." Skulduggery's head shot up "WHAT!"

"Yesterday, when I was at your house you were sleeping while moaning my name forcefully kissing a pillow."


"Its true I videoed it! Wanna see?"


"Fine, but anyway Skul, you should have told me."

"But I didn't know how you would react." Skulduggery said and lowered his head and Ghastly got out of his chair and tilted his head back up and placing a tender kiss on Skulduggery's lips "Good enough reaction for you?" Skulduggery was speechless he could feel his lips tingling, and wanting more so Skulduggery didn't reply he simply smashed his lip to Ghastly's once again.

OK IM DONE! IM DONE! NEVER AGAIN! I HOPE YOU HAPPY TANYA! Oh my god...never....never again. I'm sorry for all the people I have scarred writing this. Honestly I really am!

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