Fiery Love

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Skulduggery POV

It had been a boring day without Valkyrie around, we had gotten into a fight yesterday and I just needed to calm down so I told Valkyrie I had to do a case file to finish so she didn't need to come round today, but I did miss her. She hadn't called or texted me all day so I decided it was time to go see her and settle things with her so I grabbed my keys and headed out the door, jumped into the Bentley and sped off to Gordons. I was about 3 minutes away when I saw a big cloud of smoke in the air "That looks bad." I muttered to myself and as I kept driving I noticed that I was following the smoke as I drove to Valkyrie, and as I got closer I noticed that it was Valkyries house! "Shit!" I shouted and put the Bentley in full speed and raced to get there faster while hoping that she got out safely.

I arrived and I harshly stopped that Bentley and I sprinted in the burning house "Valkyrie!" I shouted as I made my way through the smoke and the falling floor boards from above me "SKUL!" I heard followed by violent coughing, my heart sank, the voice sounded so scared and raspy "VALKYRIE! WHERE ARE YOU!" I yelled desperately "Bedroom!" that's all I needed to here before I legged it up the stairs to my Valkyrie. My Valkyrie? Where had that come from? I shouldn't be thinking about that now, I need to get to her! When I got to the door it was blocked where the floorboards had fallen in front of it and no matter how hard I tried to move them they wouldn't budge. Suddenly I had an idea "Doors are for people with no imagination." I said and sprinted down stairs to the door and when I got outside I immediately propelled myself up to Valkyries bedroom widow where I smashed it in and tried to clear the smoke, and when I did I ran over to the badly burnt Valkyrie on the floor "Val!"


"Its ok sweetheart, I'm here now! Your going to be just fine." I said and picked her up but she yelled in pain "What?"

"My arm! Its stuck!" she said and I looked at where he arm was and it was jammed underneath 2 burning pieces of wood "Shit." I said and pushed the air and the wood flew of her arm "Oh no." I said as I looked at it, it was so badly burnt it was almost black "Come on we need to get to Knespeckle!" I said and picked Valkyrie up and flew out the window just in time to see the entire top floor collapse.

We arrived at the sanctuary and I sprinted in with an unconscious Valkyrie in my arms hardly breathing with burns all over her body but her arm was the worst. Her beautiful face was covered in smoke and her clothes were badly burnt, since she was in pyjamas at the time, "KENSPEKCLE!" I roared and the old man trudged out of his office but his eyes widened when he saw Valkyrie "What happened?"

"There was a fire at her house and she was in the house at the time."

"Right, put her on the bed." I lay her on the bed and Kenspeckle put an oxygen mast on her and looked closely at her arm "Skulduggery, the fire burnt most of her flesh off. I can fix it, the burn will scar."

"Then what can you do?"

"I can either fix the flesh on her arm but she will be left with lots of scars, or I can cut this arm off and put a robotic arm in its place." the professor said and Skulduggery thought for a moment before answering.

Valkyrie POV

I awoke to the sound of Skulduggery snoring in the chair next to me so I opened my eyes and slowly turned my head to him, he was slouched in the chair with his head resting on his arm so I worked up enough strength to lift my right arm and push his arm making his head fall and hit the arm of the chair, and he woke with a groan "What?" he said and I rolled my eyes "Hello Mr Snory Pants" I said and he looked at me immediately pulling me into a hug "Oh thank god you ok! The surgery went well!" he said "Surgery?" I asked and he pulled away and looked at me for  minute "Your arm was so badly burnt...we had to...replace it."

"Replace it what do you mean?"

"Take a look." he said and I looked at my left arm and sure enough it wasn't covered in flesh anymore...instead it was a robotic arm "W...what?"

"I know, I'm sorry." he said and looked down, and I put to fingers under his chin lifting it back up again "Hey, its not your fault. Besides I think its quite cool!" I said and lifted my arm up looking at it properly "It feels strange but I like it!"

"It makes you look like a robot."

"Hey don't annoy me, you wont want to get a blow to the head with this thing!" I said and clenched my fist and he chuckled "No, I guess I wouldn't." he said and an awkward silence filled the room "Hey Skul?" I said and he looked at me "Yes?" he asked and I grabbed his face and gently kissed his lips, and he grunted in surprise before kissing me back tenderly. When I pulled away I grinned at him "Thank you for saving me."

"My Pleasure, Miss Cain! And thank you for saving me!" he said and pulled me onto his lap "From what?" I asked "From having to make the first move! But I knew you couldn't resist me!" he said and I laughed before punching hi with my robotic arm making him grunt in pain and I was about to do it again before he pulled me into another kiss, stopping me from doing so and I felt him smirk against my lips. He had never acted so smug in his life!

Hello Everyone! I am wondering what you wanted to see in the next chapter

1) Something cute

2) Something quite heated and a little sexual

3) Or Just something random

Thanks for reading!

-Fauna + Raelynn-

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