The movie

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Skulduggery is human in this! Why? Cause I said so!

Valkyrie was sat on the couch clutching a pillow with all her strength and shaking like mad. She was watching The woman in black and she knew she couldn't handle it, but of course Valkyrie being Valkyrie she had to prove that she wasn't scared. Yep, cause it was going so well.

Soon the movies finished and there was a knock at the door and Valkyrie screamed and Skulduggery knocked the door down, and stormed into the living room gun in hand, to see a horrified Valkyrie staring at him "Val?" he asked softly and she just stared, so Skulduggery sat down next to her and cuddled her close "You were watching scary movies weren't you?" Valkyrie jus nodded and cuddled up to him closer and Skulduggery snaked an arm around her waist, hoping she didn't notice, and thankfully she didn't. Valkyrie had soon calmed down and decided to go make some popcorn, but when she got up she tripped over Skulduggery's shoes and face planted the floor as Skulduggery tried really hard to keep in a laugh "Are you ok down there!" he asked "Just dandy!" she yelled back, with her voice muffled. She got back up and stared at Skulduggery "Its not funny!"

"Oh, Valkyrie my dear, it is!"

"You know, one day your going to trip, and im going to see it! And you know what, it'll be the best day of my life!"

"I will never trip im far to graceful!" Valkyrie sighed and went to sit back down when she tripped over Skulduggery again but this time she landed on his lap. Her cheeks turned scarlet and she looked deep into his emerald eyes and he just smiled awkwardly and said " we are...."

"Here we" Valkyrie stuttered and suddenly her whole body took control and she kissed his cheek and he gasped, and Valkyrie turned a darker shade of red "....uh...." she said awkwardly. Skulduggery looked into her eyes and gently combed her hair with his hand and stroked her jaw carefully as she just blushed harder. Skulduggery smiled and slowly inched his lips closer to hers and finally they touched. There lips moulded into each others perfectly and they moved in sync, Skulduggery put an arm around her waist and pulled her impossibly close, not ending the kiss, and Valkyrie's hand got tangled in his brown silky hair as he gently whimpered in her mouth and she smiled. Soon there tongues were dancing together and they were moaning gently. Skulduggery took his tie off.....


....and Valkyrie took of his shirt as he took of hers...

I feel really awkward....

....he lifted her up and carried her to the bedroom, where he lay her down on the bed and started to kiss her neck and she pulled his pants down and started.....

WOAH! Lets stop right there! Just woah! I feel so awkward........ 

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