Child Minding

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This chapter is dedicated to my unicorn sista ValkyrieJade19! I love ya Mrs Sexy Voice!

"Daddddd!" Aibhlinn and Bella winded and looked pleadingly at their fathers "Its only for a couple of hours!" Ghastly sighed and Skulduggery made an amused sound "But there terrible! There Dexters kids for gods sake!" Bella said clearly frustrated "Brea and Dathuil are perfectly normal!"

"Yeah normal as a squirrel mating with a duck Uncle Skul!" Aibhlinn sighed "You two are doing this whether you like it or not!" Skulduggery said firmly "Fine!" the girls cried and walked of muttering angrily to themselves "Cant believe we have to watch the two little kids who have a severe case of spoilt brat!" Aibhlinn said and Bella giggled "It cant be that bad."

1 hour later

"This is the worst thing I have ever had to do." Bella said and looked at Aibhlinn who was tied up to a tree outside "I swear to god when I see those kids again I'm going to throttle them!" she snarled and Bella untied her "How did you get there anyway?"

"They backed me up into a corner because they were pointing a needle at me!" she said "WE HAVE YOUR DAGGERS!" Dathuil shouted and Bella looked at Aibhlinn who was starting to go red from rage "Bitches gonna die today." she muttered and stood out the way just as Aibhlinn exploded and launched herself at the kids "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHITS!" she yelled and Bella watched amused as the whole thing went down "CAN I PUNCH ONE?" Bella thought for a moment "No! I don't think we would be forgiven!"

"By who?"

"The two little devils who have just put a spider down your shirt!" about three seconds later Aibhlinn was running around, screaming frantically trying to get the Terrorist spider out of her shirt.

Eventually they were both sat cross armed tied up to a tree "Well...this has been an interesting day!"

"That it has!" Bella agreed and just then Brea came out of the tree house and looked at Aibhlinn who had a snarl plastered on her face "You broke my dagger."

"That's tragic."

"Your face is tragic."

"That was uncalled for."

"Your face is uncalled for." Brea snarled and stomped of in a fit "She is at risk of becoming Anbitchous!" Bella said and Aibhlinn looked at her friend "What?"

"Anbitchous! Striving to become more of a bitch than the average bitch."

"Right on!" she said and they both fist pumped "I think I died like a long time ago and those two are my eternal punishments." Aibhlinn said and Bella grinned "That would make sense." just as they were about to say something else Cohen came out the door and smiled his beautiful smile. Cohen was the eldest son of Dexter Vex and Aibhlinn had a crush on him. His blue eyes shone in the light as his blonde hair fell over one eye "Um...Aibhlinn?" she snapped out of her trance when Cohen waved a hand infront of her face and Bella stifled a giggle witch resulted in a punch to the shoulder "Heyyyy!" she said and Cohen grinned "Do you need a hand?"

"Yes please." Cohen untied the ropes and Aibhlinn sprung up and looked straight into his eyes "Y'now I think squirrels like spaghetti, there is no evidence to back my point up but Squirrels, spaghetti, Makes sense right? That being said I like you as much as I think Squirrels like spaghetti." she said with a creepy smiled plastered on her face the entire time and Cohen laughed "Would you like to get some spaghetti sometime?" he asked and Aibhlinn was about to reply but then she realised something "Are you saying I'm a Squirrel?"


"Honestly, all boys are the same! Jeez!" She said and Bella nodded trying, but failing to keep the grin of her face "Oh...ok." Cohen said a little disappointed and walked back into the house "What did you do that for? You have had a crush on Cohen for ages!" Bella smirked and Aibhlinn laughed "I don't need boys...not when I have you." she said and Bella smiled and they linked arms before walking back into the house "Besides...he did call me a squirrel." she said and they both laughed.

Valduggery-One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora