Farther and Daughter

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Skulduggery had been feeling down lately. Ever since Valkyrie and Romeo went away with Tanith and Ghastly for a holiday, he had been feeling somewhat...along. Brooklyn had noticed his behaviour and decided to confront him about it. She found him watching TV in the living room so she walked in and sat next to him "Dad? Whats the matter?" she asked and Skulduggery turned to her "Nothing sweetie." he said and tried convincing her by smiling but Brooklyn wasn't having it "Dad, its not the lie im bothered out, its the insult to my intelligence that I find offensive." she said and Skulduggery chuckled "I raised you well." he said proudly and pulled her to him and hugged her tight "I just miss your mother is all." he said and Brooklyn understood "I know what you mean. I miss Romeo, he isn't only my brother, but he is my friend. I consider him a closer friend then Raelynn and Raelynn is my sister!" she said "Why do you and Valkyrie consider everyone you get close to family?" he asked and Brooklyn smiled "Family isn't always blood. Its the people in life who want you in theirs. The ones that accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and to make you realise that they love you. Family isn't just an important thing. Its everything." she said and Skulduggery smiled down at her "You know, considering your only seventeen your very wise."

"Well, I learnt from the best!"

"Yes you did!" Skulduggery said and smiled but it suddenly dropped "You know, kids grow to fast? I mean one minute your sitting here with me and the next you'll have your own family. And im going to be sitting here alone, and even though I say everyday that I love you...it will never seem like its enough." he said and his head dipped and he laughed sadly "Sorry about that." he said and Brooklyn looked at him sympathetically "Never apologise for saying what you feel. That's like being sorry for being real." she said and cuddled into him "I love you Brooklyn." he said and kissed her forehead "I love you too dad" she replied "So how are you and Khoen?" Skulduggery asked. Khoen Knighton was Brooklyn's boyfriend and he had been for a while "Were good. But if your worried that he will hurt me, then trust me, I have a whole set of knifes upstairs just waiting to be used!" she said and Skulduggery laughed "That's my girl. You know I sometimes worry that you don't love me as much as you used to." he said sadly, and Brooklyn just hugged him tighter "You are forever and always the hero of my heart. The love of my life. You may have loved me from the moment I came into your life...but I have loved you for my whole life." she said and Skulduggery had to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill "I love you." he said

"I love you more." she replied

"I love you most." he finished and kissed his daughters head.

I will do a Mother and Son one between Valkyrie and Romeo soon.

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