Did you mean it?

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"Thanks for everything Danny!" Valkyrie exclaimed and hugged him which he returned "No problem Steph- I mean Valkyrie!" he said and pulled away "Good luck with what ever you decide to do with your life." Valkyrie said and smiled and walked towards the door to answer it as Danny went out the back door. Valkyrie took a deep breath and opened the door "Hel-" she started but was cut off when Skulduggery pulled her into a bone crushing hug and she returned it. They were like this for a while before Skulduggery's skeletal frame started shaking and he was gasping, so Valkyrie broke the hug and looked at Skulduggery in the eye socket, but he looked down with embarrassment, so she tilted his head back up with two fingers and smiled softly at him "Its ok to cry Skul. I missed you so much too!" she said and brought him into the house and sat him down and she hugged him tight "I missed you so much Valkyrie!" he sobbed, and Valkyrie laughed sadly and rubbed his back softly. Suddenly he pulled away and looked her in the eye "5 years ago at the accelerator you said something to me....do you remember?" he asked hopefully and Valkyrie went back on the memory but she couldn't think of what he could be thinking about "No, Skul im sorry I don't." she said softly and Skulduggerys head dipped and his fedora covered his face "Y...you said that....you loved me......did you mean it?" he asked gently and Valkyrie answered by tilting his head up to meet her gaze and discreetly slipped a hand underneath his shirt collar and tapped the symbols etched into his collar bone and a face flowed over his skull, and Valkyrie saw tear stains on his cheeks and more forming in his emerald eyes. Valkyrie placed a hand on his cheek and he rested his head on it as she stroked away his tears and brought his face closer to hers and placed a delicate kiss on his rosy lips and his arms went to her waist pulling her closer to him so there bodies were pressed against each others. Skulduggery almost whimpered when she pulled away, but he let her and she grinned up at him "Yes, I did mean it." she said softly and he started to cry happy tears and he pressed her forehead against hers and hugged her tightly. Skulduggery took his head back and kissed her again, like he had wanted to do for so long.

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