Broken (Part 2)

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Hello everyone! I'm Fauna Destry Raelynns sister and I will be writing stories while she is at collage! So I hope you enjoy!


Valkyries eyes slowly fluttered open and was greeted by a bright light in her face which made her squint and look to the side, where Skulduggery was sat shaking. She looked confused but soon remembered what had happened the previous night and she burst into tears, and Skulduggery's head shot up and he immediately rushed forward and embraced Valkyrie in his arms rocking her "Shh, its ok, I'm here now. Your ok!" he said in a shaky voice, obviously scarred himself by what he witnessed. He remembered her being weak and powerless in his arms after he killed her rapist, and he couldn't help but tear up himself when he saw her state "Sk...Skul...wh..what if pregnant?" Valkyrie managed to get out in-between sobs and Skulduggery just gasped. He hadn't thought of that, what if he was pregnant? Would she get rid of it? Would she keep it? "I...I don't know Val..."

"Can...can we go home?"

"Of course." he said and Valkyrie managed to shift herself to the edge of the bed with very stiff movements, she sat for a while before breathing out and standing up using Skulduggery's arm as support, but as she was about to take a step a sharp pain shot between her legs and she hissed and collapsed and Skulduggery was helping her I within an instant "Are you ok?" he asked and she shook her head so he scooped her up in his arms and carried her out the room. Whenever they passed other mages they would look sympathetically at her but Valkyrie just cuddled into Skulduggery and he snarled at anyone who looked. They got to the Bentley and Skulduggery lifted her in slowly, to make sure he didn't hurt her and walked round the other side and climbed in himself and drove to Gordons.

When they arrived Ghastly's Van was parked next to Tanith's bike so Skulduggery lifted Valkyrie up and walked inside where they were both sat on the couch in silence, and when Ghastly noticed them he shot up and walked over to Valkyrie "Hey Val." he said softly and smiled at her and she smiled back "You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine thanks Ghastly." she said and Ghastly stroked her head gently "Oh, Val!" Tanith said and walked over "Hey sis." she said and Valkyrie smiled "Hey" she said "Do you want to sit down?" Skulduggery asked and Valkyrie nodded vaguely and he walked over to the couch and set her down "Ill go make some tea." Ghastly said and walked into the kitchen while Skulduggery sat next to Valkyrie and cuddled her to him while Valkyrie drifted of to sleep. Tanith didn't blame her, she had been through a lot. Why Valkyrie though? Her parents had recently died and now this! Nothing goes right for her, but atleast Val knew that she had Skulduggery, Ghastly and Tanith to look after her. They were her family after all. Ghastly walked back in with a tray of Tea and he set them down on the table and they all grabbed one, "I cant believe this." Tanith said and shook her head sadly so Ghastly put an arm around her waist and pulled her close "I know, its horrible." he agreed and Skulduggery nodded "She looked so innocent and helpless." he said and began to shake again "I...I was scared...I didn't know what to do. It was all my fault!" he said and tears were freely rolling donw his face now so Ghastly got up and pulled him into a hug while Skulduggery sobbed into his shoulder "Shh, Skul none of this was your fault, don't blame yourself for it, Valkyrie is going to be just fine ok?" he said and Skulduggery sniffled "o..ok." he said and pulled away "Listen me and Tanith are going to go now Ok! You just calm down ok? If you need anything just call and ill be right over." Ghastly said and patted his friends back and walked out the door with Tanith close behind. Skulduggery sat down again and looked at Valkyrie "Why you?" he whispered and pulled her to him once again and hugged her, "I love you Valkyrie." he said and buried his head into her hair "I love you too Skul." Valkyrie said and Skulduggery smiled tearfully at her "You heard that?"

"I did."


"What for?"

"For crying."

"Don't apologise, you were worried. Its ok to be worried." she said and smiled up at him "How long will it be till I can kick ass again?" she asked and Skulduggery chuckled "Not for a while. But ill always be here to get you through it." he said and cupped her face with his hand and placed a delicate kiss on her soft lips "Ill always be here. he whispered and she snuggled into hi chest "I know you will." she said and Skulduggery hugged her so tight, so he was sure that all her broken pieces were put back together again.

I hope you all liked my first chapter on Raelynns account! Thanks for reading!

-Fauna Destry

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