Baby dead men

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Valkyrie was sitting on her couch watching Once upon a time when he phone rang so she picked it up and answered it "Hello?""Val!" it was Tanith"Hey, Tan! What's up?""We have problem.""Why? Whats wrong?""Just get to Skulduggery's house!""Ok! I'm on my way!" Valkyrie hung up and ran to the door, picked up her keys and hopped in her car and drove down to Skulduggery's.Valkyrie walked into Skulduggery's house and walked into the living room and her jaw dropped at what she saw. There were six babies crawling around the room in nothing but nappies and Tanith was stood in the corner looking scared "What...the hell Is going on?" she asked and Tanith looked at her "i honestly have no clue. I came here to see the dead men and these babies were here!" Valkyrie thought for a while before laughing "I think the dead men have turned into babies!""What? How do you know?""Because there is a little baby skeleton playing with a toy Bentley wearing a hat. That's Skulduggery." Tanith looked at the skeleton and laughed "Nawww! Little baby Skully!" she cooed in a babyish voice "And that one over there is Dexter." she pointed at the baby with a goofy smile on its face "Why is that one Dexter?""Because he winked at me.""Ah." Valkyrie looked around and sighed "I guess we have some babies to look after then!"
"Erskine! Erskine put that down!" Tanith yelled at the little boy who had a bra in his hands "SKULDUGGERY! Stop biting my nose!" Valkyrie was holding a little skeleton in her arms and his tiny jaws were clamped around her nose "GHASTLY!" Tanith ran after the scarred baby who had scissors in his hands cutting up the curtains. Valkyrie pried Skulduggery away from her nose and gave him his Bentley back "Here have your stupid car back." she growled and he seemed to glare at her but happily played with his car as Saracen crawled over to her and started to nibble on her leg "OUCH!" she yelled and picked the vicious baby up and immediately held him away from her "Baby Saracen needs changing!" she said but almost dropped him and what Anton was doing. Anton was sat on the couch sitting next to Tanith cutting her hair while she was feeding breast feeding Ghastly "TANITH!" Valkyrie screamed and she looked up sheepishly at her "...Yeah?" "What are you doing?""Feeding Ghastly!""Couldn't you have gotten him a bottle?""...Oh yeah..." Valkyrie sighed and because of there conversation Anton had cut off half her hair "Tanith...your hair." she reached around and felt it "Whats wrong w- ANTON!" she almost dropped Ghastly on the floor when she whirled around "Just so you know, when you get back to normal I'm going to bitch slap you so hard, google wont be able to find you." she snarled and the baby laughed and climbed down from the couch and Tanith looked at Dexter who was staring at her exposed breast "As I was saying, Saracen needs changing!" Valkyrie said and Tanith grinned "Go on then.""!""Ive just had half me hair cut of! Your changing that damn baby!" Valkyrie glared but Tanith didn't seem fazed "UGH! Fine!" she stared at Saracen who had a grin on his face "You so owe me for this." she said and placed him down on the floor "Tanith I don't have any nappies.""Go to the shop and get some!""Ok." Valkyrie grinned and reached for the Bentley car keys when a tine pair of jaws clamped her leg and she looked down to see Skulduggery gnawing on her leg "Do you mind?" she asked and Skulduggery shook his head furiously in attempt to bite of a bit of skin "i could kick you right now." she said and the baby unclamped his jaw and sat down and cried "Skul-" *louder cry* "Skulduggery sto-" *screaming* "SKULDUGGERY PLEASANT!" he was screaming so hard now Valkyrie and Tanith had to put hands over their ears "SKULDUGGERY!" he was on the laying down hitting the ground with his skeletal hands "Do you want to come!" the baby skeleton stopped crying and looked up at Valkyrie and nodded "Come on then." she picked him up and he cuddled into her chest and seemed to fall into meditation straight away "Ill be back soon." she whispered and Tanith nodded.When Valkyrie got back she couldn't help but gasp at the scene in front of her. There was food all over the walls a hyperactive baby Erskine holding a bar of chocolate, a scarred baby throwing scissors everywhere, a baby Dexter making out with a baby Saracen and a baby Anton about to push a vase of the table but Tanith was hiding in the corner of the room "What happened?" Valkyrie asked and baby Skulduggery started to laugh at Dexter who had his head stuck in the vase Anton pushed "I don't left and then it all happened so quickly." she whispered and Valkyrie tried to put Skulduggery down but he clung onto her with dear life so she sighed and stood up straight again "Why don't we try and get them to go to sleep?" Tanith looked up and nodded.About half an hour all babies were scattered around the room sleeping as Tanith put blankets over them all "I think we did it!" she cheered and Valkyrie nodded her head proudly but soon frowned "Where is Skulduggery?" she asked and Tanith looked around "I don't know.""ill go check upstairs." Valkyrie said and made her way to Skulduggery's room. She opened the door and the little baby Skeleton was trying to climb onto the bed so Valkyrie laughed and help him up "Tired?" the baby yawned and nodded so he got under the covers and covered himself up so only his tiny skull was showing "Sweet dreams, Skulduggery." she whispered and kissed his forehead and he squealed happily. She was about to get up when she felt a tugging on her shirt, it was Skulduggery "You want me to stay?" she asked and he nodded his head and she grinned and got under the covers with him as he cuddled into her chest and she wrapped arms around him and closed her eyes. They were both asleep in seconds.

Skulduggery woke up in the middle of the night, back to his normal self and looked at the girl he was cuddled up to and chuckled slightly before kissing her forehead with his teeth "I love you, Valkyrie." he whispered and fell into meditation once again.


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