Rescue crew!

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Alexandra Forbes : alexandra1055

Bella Pleasant: ValkyrieJade19

Karma Snow: Valkyrie_Cain22

Angie Vixen: Angie_Vixen

Raelynn Meriette: ME!


Raelynn Meriette and Bella Pleasant were currently hanging upside down in a dark room, in silence. Well that was until..."I hate you soooo, much right now." Bella said and huffed. Bella Pleasant was the daughter of Skulduggery and Valkyrie Pleasant, you could clearly tell, because of her appearance, she had long dark hair and dark eyes, which clearly came from Valkyrie. Raelynn was the daughter of Ghastly Bespoke and Tanith low, she had light messy brown hair which reached just past her elbows with dark brown eyes, and she had a large scar on her arm running from her elbow down to her wrist. But back to the story..."What, it wasn't my fault!" Raelynn argued and Bella narrowed her eyes "Yeah, im sure you meant to throw a rock at Sanguines head!" Raelynn sniggered to herself "Oh, come on you have to admit it was bloody hilarious!"


"Go on, your dying to laugh."

"..." Bella remained unresponsive so Raelynn brought out her phone and played a video of Sanguine getting hit and shoved it in Bellas face. After the video ended bothe girls were in fits of laughter "Oh my god....that has to be the funniest thing I have ever seen" Bella said and wiped the tears away from her dark eyes, but then she realised something "Wait...we have been in here for 2 hours and you had your phone!?" she said and Raelynn laughed "Oh yeah....forgot I had some games on her t-"

"No! Ring someone!"

"Oh yeah! Ok" Raelynn put the phone to her ear and waited for it to be answered "Hello?....oh thank god its got reception.....yeah....right so were in a warehouse is haggard....yes....ok, we would like a pizza please with pepero-" but she was cut of when Bella snatched the phone of her and ended the call "idiot..." she muttered and dialled a number and after a while it was picked up "Hello....yeah....I need your guys help....we are in the old warehouse near the sanctuary....yeah, ok bye!" Bell ended the call and gave it back to Raelynn who was sulking "I wanted pizza..." she muttered and Bella laughed "We'll get pizza on the way back."


one hour later....

The big metal door creaked open and a girl walked in with long blond hair that goes to her elbows and light freckles across her face and she was quite short "Hello!" Karma Snow said cheerily and Bella huffed "About time!" Karma came over and flew up to the shackles that were holding Bella and untied her and caught her before she fell, Raelynn was asleep so Karma flew back up to her shackles and untied them but didn't bother to catch her, so she fell to the floor and landed on her head "Owwww" she moaned and the other girls laughed "S'not funny!" she yelled and got up "Surreee." Karma and Bella said and walked of together, and Raelynn ran to catch up "Um, not to be rude, but who are you?" she asked and Karma laughed "Im Karma Snow. Anton's step sister."

"Ohhhhhh! I know you!"

"No you don't."

"Your right I don't, but ive heard of you."

"No you haven't."

"Your right again! How does she do that?"

"Its called common sense Raelynn" Bella said and Raelynn frowned "Oh...and also how are we getting outta here"

"Ive got a ride, don't worry."

"Ok." Raelynn said and they all walked outside and saw Skulduggery's Bentley...but there was no Skulduggery "Um...why is my dads car here?" Bella asked and looked at Karma as she was about to answer when a figure came out of the darkness and answered for her "We stole it." the girl had dark brown hair that reached her waist with green eyes and looked quite muscular "She looks scary..." Bella said and Raelynn punched her arm "Just because she has muscles and you don't." she smirked and Bella punched her and was about to say something when the other girl introduced herself "By the way, my name is Alexandra Forbes! Im a bone breaker, hence the muscles and stuff." she said and smiled. As they were about to get in the Bentley another girl walked out from behind the car. She had deep aqua eyes and long curly blond hair that reached her waist and was wearing high heels "How can you walk in them?" Raelynn asked and she shrugged "Im just incredible! Im Angie Vixen by the way!" she said and smiled "Its nice to meet you girls, but does my dad know that Bentley is here?" Bella asked and Alexandra shook her head "No, but I left a note!"

"Oh well then that solves all our problems then!" Angie said and sighed "I told you to ask him!"

"Listen, hes a skeleton how do you expect me to stay in control when im a bone breaker?"

"Oh my dead im actually dead!" Raelynn said and Karma frowned "Why?"

"Because hes going to blame me, and hes going to kill me!" she said and froze when she heard a very familiar voice from behind her "Yes, I am going to kill you!" Skulduggery said and all the girls looked at him and laughed nervously "It wasn't me I swear!" Angie said and put her hands in the air and Alexandra followed with "It was." Angie slapped her and Karma smiled "Um...I was called to save Raelynn and Bella." and smiled but Skulduggery glared at Raelynn "Hi...uncle are ya?"

"Not working Meriette!" he snarled and Raelynn turned around and whispered "Run." they didn't need to be told twice. Karma rose of the ground and flew up into the air and Angie followed but she was too slow and Skulduggery snagged her ankle and brought her back down and Alexandra put a hand around Skulduggerys wrist and squeezed until the heard a crack and he hissed and let go of her and Angie flew up again and shouted back down "C'YA LATER SUCKA!" and flew of but she didn't see where she was going and flew right into a lamp post and fell down "Owww..." she moaned and Karma flew back down and aided her while Bella and Raelynn were sprinting down the alley way and tries to find Ghastly's house. Raelynn's adept magic was reflex and agility which meant she was very agile and fast and had amazing reflexes and could see fast objects 20 times slower than anyone else so she could easily doge upcoming objects but Bella was elemental and she had to use air to propel herself further to catch up. Bella turned around and saw Skulduggery gaining fast "Ah Shit!" she said and Raelynn turned and looked, Skulduggery was gaining and Bella was slowing so Raelynn picked up Bella and slung her over her shoulder "What are you doing?" Bella yelled started to hit her back "Im saving our lives is what in doing" they were near the end of the alley and The Bentley pulled up and Angie opened the door and ushered them to run faster so Raelynn ran as fast as he could and launched them through the door and as soon as she was in the door was slammed close and they sped off leaving one very angry skeleton behind. While Raelynn tries to catch her breath she heard a muffled voice from underneath her "GET OFF" Bella yelled Raelynn sat up and allowed he to breathe, Alexandra was driving very fast now "Um Alexandra...we seem to have a problem..." Karma warned and everyone looked where she was pointing and they all cursed. Ghastly was driving his van with Skulduggery, Valkyrie and Tanith all sat looking angry "OH NO! ITS THE PARENTS!" Raelynn yelled and reached over to the steering wheel "Let me drive, I have better reflexes and were going to be taking a different route!" she said and Alexandra released the wheel and Raelynn took control and she immediately took a U turn and sped down the way they had come, and since the van was too big it just swerved of the road onto the grass while the Bentley was still going and all the girls cheered "WHOO!" Karma yelled and Angie and Alexandra laughed while Raelynn and Bella paled "Whats up?" Angie asked and Raelynn let Alexandra take back the wheel "There not you parents. MY MUM HAS GOT A SWORD!" Raelynn yelled and huffed "My mum had a glare that can literally kill!" Bella said and Angie laughed "Sorry about it!"

After a while Alexandra, Angie and Karma had left leaving Bella and Raelynn to face there parents. They stood together on the doorstep to Skulduggery's house and took a deep breath before entering together. They both crept into the living room and Ghastly, Tanith, Skulduggery and Valkyrie were all glaring daggers at them "Raelynn!" Ghastly growled and Raelynn tensed and gulped "Bella! Valkyrie growled and Bella did the same, they both looked at each other and turned back and pointed at one another "IT WAS HER IDEA!" they yelled at the same time and bolted out the door, with an angry mob of parents chasing after them.

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