The reflection and the skeleton detective (part 1)

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Valkyrie lay on her bed watching Peter Kay as the reflection got ready for a party. It was Valkyrie's birthday and she was meant to be going to a birthday ball but she was scared that something might happen that would reveal her feelings towards the skeleton detective. She had , had these feelings for a while now and every time she saw him she would melt inside, he was perfect. To her, Skulduggery was the most incredible, courageous, funny, caring man she had ever met and she was so close to telling him how he felt but she couldn't bring herself to do so because she knew that the great skeleton detective would never have a crush on his combat accessory, she knew that for a fact.

Valkyrie laughed at the screen and the reflection looked at itself in the mirror "Do I look ok?" it asked and Valkyrie looked over her shoulder and saw the reflection stood in a floor length dress which hugged her figure with its hair put up in a neat bun "You look presentable." Valkyrie said and the reflection nodded and sat down next to Valkyrie on the bed "What are you watching?" it asked "Peter Kay!"

"Who's that?"

"Only the funniest man on earth!" Valkyrie said and laughed at him on screen while he danced around the stage, the reflection soon joined in on the laughter

"He is funny." it commented and Valkyrie was about to reply when she noticed the Bentley's headlights in the drive way "Ok, have a good time. Dance, laugh, smile, I don't care! Just act like me!" Valkyrie said and the reflection nodded once while she hid under the bed. She heard tapping on the glass and the reflection opened the window "Val you look...gorgeous." she heard Skulduggery say and the reflection giggled "Thank you. You look quite dashing yourself." it was right. He did. Skulduggery was wearing a tuxedo with a red waist coat, black pants and a black jacket and a silky, red bowtie "Thank you my dear! Now, shall we go?"

"We shall." Skulduggery held out his hand and the reflection took it and they jumped down from the window and drove away in the Bentley.

Valkyrie climbed out from under the bed and sighed "Well, that's that!" and turned her attention back to Peter Kay.

It was one in the morning when the reflection was back and Valkyrie was watching her TV as it came in "So how was it?" she asked, not looking away from the screen "It was fun. Ghastly and Saracen got drunk, Tanith and Dexter were dancing on tables and Skulduggery and me were together."

"That's good." Valkyrie looked at the reflection for the first time since it came in a gasped. Its hair was messy and makeup was smudged on her face and its dress was backwards "What happened?" Valkyrie got up and inspected the reflection closer "You look like you have been dragged through a bush."

"Do I? Oh."

"Step in the mirror." the reflection did as it was told Valkyrie tapped the mirror and all the memories came flooding into her head. Skulduggery and her got into the car and drove to the party in silence. They arrived. Tanith, Ghastly, Saracen, Dexter and Aton greeted her with hugs. Skulduggery asks her to dance, she says yes. They dance. Everyone is drunk and Skulduggery leads her away and tells her something. They kiss. They go upstairs to the bedroom. Things get passionate and heated. Clothes are off and they continue to make out. When they finish they are exhausted. Skulduggery drives her home, kisses her goodnight and drives off.

Valkyrie stumbled backwards onto the bed "I..." she didn't know what to say so she rushed to the bathroom and grabbed a pregnancy test and shoved it into the reflections hands "Do it!" he near yelled and the reflection walks into the bathroom while Valkyrie is pacing up and down, chewing her lip. When the reflection comes out Valkyrie grabs the test out if its hands and looks at it and immediately dropped it to the ground and she started shaking.

The test was positive. The reflection was pregnant...with Skulduggery's baby.

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