Forgot (Part 3)

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Valkyrie sat up In her bed and waited for her friends to start "Ok" Ghastly said trying to hold in a grin from the remembrance of the story "So me and you were at the sanctuary ball and we were sitting across from Celi Flirth and she looked at us and she shouted "SHUT UP!" so we looked at eachother and....ha....we um, you shouted back "NO YOU SHUT UP!" and you grin but as she looks back she yells "NO NOT YOU!" and we look behind us and there was Erskine doing some inappropriate things and we both fell into fits of laughter. Soon enough everyone was looking at us, so to calm yourself down you took some water, but I was still lauging which made you laugh and th water came out of your nose!" Ghastly and everyone else in the room including Valkyrie were all laughing hard, "Ok..ok Dexter your turn

"Ok" Dex started "It was a Saturday night and we were watching a movie at your house, it was a horror movie and we were both scared, when the door opened and Saracen walked in and sneaked up on us and he screamed in my ear causing me to jump up and smack him in the face with such force he was flung across the room into the fire place which was on causing his clothes to set on fire. By now he was screaming girlishly and running frantically around the house trying to find water. And when he did he sat in it and sighed happily but when he got up there was a huge hole in his pants and it showed the underwear underneath, with Ninja turtles on!" Dexter and Valkyrie were laughing so hard right now, it felt like they had just done the best work out on there abs while Saracen sulked in the corner. Valkyrie stopped laughing and said "Ok, Tanith next!" everyone looked at her in disbelief...but then she remembered "Tanith sister." Tanith nodded furiously and smiled. Her gaze drifted to Ghastly "Ghastly Bespoke, tailor farther." Ghastly smiled at her and nodded "Anton Shudder, owner of the midnight hotel!" Anton smiled "That's me!" he said and Valkyrie moved on "Dexter Vex, dead man!"

"Good girl!"

"Saracen know things..."

"Yes! Yes I do"

"Kenspeckle professor"

"That's right."

"Erskine Ravel....Grand mage." Erskine huffed "Out of all the amazing things I have done in my life, the first thing she remembers me for is being grand mage. Great!" he said and everyone laughed "But, someone is missing." Valkyrie said and "Skulduggery best friend....and....and the love of my life..." She said and everyone smiled "I gotta go find him! Thank you guys!" she shouted and jumped out of her bed and bolted outside where she called Fletcher and told her to pick her up. Seconds later he appeared and she was about to take his arm when he said "Skulduggery....he...he's gone." Valkyrie gasped "What?!" all Fletcher said was "Lord Vile was to strong." and he left...

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