Spin the bottle

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It was a Saturday night at Valkyrie's house and everyone was bored out of there minds "Im, so bored" Valkyrie said whilst hanging upside down on the couch "Oh, I have an idea" Tanith said from the ceiling which she was sitting on "Lets play spin the bottle"

"But theres only 4 of us" Skulduggery said while reading a newspaper which he had read for times in the pat hour "So? Two girls and two boys, that's fine, it'll make it interesting" Ghastly said and went to the kitchen to find an empty bottle. When he returned Skulduggery, Val and Tanith were sat in a circle so he sat in between Tanith and Val. He placed the bottle in the middle of the circle and spun it, it landed on Val. He stiffened but before he could react her lips were on his so he returned it. They had made a rule so ever kiss had to last ten seconds. Valkyrie pulled away and spun. It landed on Tanith. They grinned at each other and leaned in and there lips touched. Both Ghastly and Skul tensed and felt very uncomfortable. After the ten seconds were up they pulled away and giggled. Tanith spun and it landed on Skul. He turned on his façade and kissed Tanith who returned the kiss. They pulled away and Skulduggery span the bottle 'Please land on Val, please land on Val' he thought to himself. The bottle stopped. It landed on Ghastly. Both men stiffened and stared at each other while both girls were in hysterics. Skulduggery sighed and grabbed Ghastly's face and crushed his lips to his, Ghastly was in shock for a minute but slowly kissed back "Woah, guys you've been kissing for 15 seconds now" tTanith said both of there eyes widened and pulled away immediately 'Not bad' both Skul and Ghastly thought.

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