Manly Man

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Valkyrie was helping Skulduggery with moving boxes out of his house so he could move into Gordons with her. There wasn't anything going on between them but Valkyrie wished there was, they were moving in together because it was easier that way.

They were both in the attic sorting through all the useless junk Skulduggery had when Valkyrie heard a crash and a muffled cry of pain from Skulduggery so she rushed over to where he once was to see him underneath piles of boxes "Skul, are you ok?" she asked and started to move all the boxes of him "Uh...not to sure I cant feel my foot!" he said "What do you have in these boxes! There heavy as bricks!"

"Yeah that's whats in them."

"What! Why do you have bricks?

"I went through a phrase where I wanted to be really manly so I got a load of bricks and tools and started to build something, but after about an hour I couldn't be arsed anymore so I gave up."

"When was that phrase?"

"ehhh, about...hmm....about 10 years ago." Valkyrie raised her eyebrows

"5 years ago?"


"2 years ago?"


"Fine! It was last week!"

"Oh so that's why you gave me the day off? So you could be a big manly man!" she said in her best man voice which ended up sounding like batman "Well when you put it like that it sounds stupid."

"Skulduggery it doesn't matter what way you put it, it will sound stupid anyway!"

"Hff!" he said and crossed his arms and Valkyrie continued to lift the boxes off him but gasped when she lifted them of his leg and Skulduggery panicked "What? What wrong!" he said and Valkyrie lifted his tibia bone from the floor and showed it him, it had been dislocated "T...that's my leg! Give it back!"

"Skul, we have to go to Kenspeckle to get it fixed."

"And how do you suppose we do that? I have no leg I cant drive!"

"Then I will!" she said and before Skulduggery could object she picked him up bridal style while he was struggling to get out of her grip "Valkyrie! Put me down or your grounded!"

"Your not Ghastly, you cant ground me!"

"I think you find I can!"

"No you cant!"

"Yes I can, and i will! You know that i am you-" Valkyrie couldn't be bothered being lectured 'desperate times call for desperate measures' she thought and bent down and kissed his cold teeth and he immediately shut up and kissed her back the only way he could by bringing her head closer so they were touching. After a while she pulled away "So lets get to Kenspeckle!" she said and smirked at Skulduggery who was speechless for the first time since she had know him, "You hear that?" she asked "hear what?" he asked dazed "Exactly, i can here myself think for the first time in the 12 years ive know you, with all the silence!" she said and grinned down at him.

When they go to the sanctuary Valkyrie picked Skulduggery up bridal style out the Bentley and walked forward to the sanctuary and Skulduggery tried to hide his skull into Valkyries shirt "What are you doing?" she asked

"I'm trying to hide my self! My dignity is fading away very quickly!"

"Yes, I'm sure that will help because there are obviously many more living skeletons in the world which I'm sure the doctors will mistake you for!"

"Well then, Miss Sassy." his muttered and looked up at Valkyrie "I understand that i am 24 and i am grown up, but theres really no need to call me Miss."

"Are you admitting your all responsible?"

"I said grown up. I will never be responsible, you should know that by now! Oh look theres Kenspeckle! KENSPECKLE!" she shouted and the professor turned to them and chuckled at Skulduggery who was still cuddled into Valkyrie "Hello there! I see there is a bit of role reversal going on today, Valkyrie is normally the one in Skulduggery's position at the moment!"

"Oh ha, ha! Can you just fix my leg please?" Skulduggery begged

"Fine, come in." Kenspeckle led them to his lab where Valkyrie lay Skulduggery on the bed and sat in the seat next to him.

About an hour later Skulduggery's bone was back in place and he was ready to go home "Come on then Miss Sass!" he said and walked up to Valkyire before scooping her up in his arms as she squealed "Skulduggery put me down!"

"Why should i?"

"If you put me down and let me carry you back to the car ill kiss you again." she said and grinned up at him, so he put her down and jumped into Valkyrie's awaiting arms and brought her head down to his teeth and she kissed him all the way back to the Bentley "Now this is what you call manly!" she said when she pulled away and if Skulduggery had eyes he would have rolled them but he didn't care about how feminine he looked right now he just pulled Valkyries face back to his teeth and continued to kiss her.

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