The power of love!

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"MOMMY! DADDY! HELP!" Brooklyn Pleasant screamed down the stairs. In a flash Valkyrie and Skulduggery were sprinting up the stairs to there daughters room, they gasped at the scene infront of them when they knocked the door down. Billy-Ray Sanguine was knelt down beside Brooklyn and Romeo with his straight razor against Brooklyn's neck "Let. them. go!" Valkyrie snarled. Billy-Ray thought for a while before grabbing both of them and saying "No." and sunk into the ground, just as Skulduggery lunged at him "CALL GHASTLY AND TANITH NOW!" Skulduggery yelled. Valkyrie sprinted to the house phone and dialled Ghastly's number "Hel-"

"Brooklyn and Romeo have been taken by Billy-Ray!"


"You need to get over here now!"

"Im on my way! No one takes my God-children and gets away with it!" Ghastly snarled and hung up.

Ghastly's POV

I was in the middle of a sanctuary meeting when my phone rang "Excuse me." I said to the others in the room. I got out of my chair and went to the back of the room and pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID, it was Val, "Hel-"

"Brooklyn and Romeo have been taken by Billy-Ray!"

"WHAT!" I yelled as everyone in the room looked at me

"You need to get over here now!"

"Im on my way! No one takes my God-Children and gets away with it!" I snarled and hung up. I put my phone back in my pocket and ripped my elder robes of and threw them on the floor and sprinted for the door when Madam Mist said "Excuse me Elder Bespoke, we are in the middle of a meeting here! You are not allowed to leave! You are to stay here, or you will be fired as a sanctuary Elder!" I stayed standing for a minute, but eventually sprinted out the door with Madam Mist yelling behind me. I called Tanith and told her to meet me at Skulduggery's and Valkyrie's house.

When I arrived I jumped out of my van and rushed into the house where Skulduggery was making calls and Valkyrie was putting her shoes on "You know where they are!" Tanith asked from behind me "Serpines castle!" she said and called Fletcher "Fletcher teleport to my house now!" she yelled and hung up. A few seconds later Fletcher teleported in front of me and said "Where too?"

"Serpines castle!" Skulduggery said as we all hung on to his arm.

General POV

Skulduggery, Valkyrie, Ghastly and Tanith ran through the castle looking for Brooklyn and Romeo "BROOKLYN! ROMEO!" Skulduggery shouted "DADDY!" Romeo shouted back "WERE ON OUR WAY BABY DONT WORRY!" Valkyrie shouted.

Skulduggery looked through the key hole of a room to see Brooklyn and Romeo tied up on wooden chairs in the middle of the room. Skul tried to open it but it was locked "Stand back." Ghastly snarled as he back up a few steps, before sprinting into the door and busting it open. Brooklyn and Romeo looked up and yelled "BEHIND YOU!". They all looked behind them and there stood Sanguine with a gun pointing at Valkyrie's head "If anyone moves. She dies!" he said and smirked. He looked around and said "Hey, where's the blonde girl?"

"Look up!" Tanith said from the ceiling and dropped down onto his shoulders. Skulduggery jumped forward and grabbed the gun from his hand and hit him over the head with it, causing him to go unconscious, and falling on the floor face first. They all rushed over to Brooklyn and Romeo and untied them. They both jumped into there parents and God- Parents arms and said "You saved us!"

"With the power of love!" Ghastly said and pulled them all into a big hug.

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