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"I cant believe you did that" Skulduggery said still shocked

"Its not that bad!"

"Not that bad! Not that bad! Valkyrie that hat was special!"

"Oh my, Skul, cry me a river, build me a bridge and get over it!"

"That hat meant so much to me I might as well cry you an ocean, build a boat and sail across it!" Skulduggery said and reached into hi pockets for his car keys but they weren't there "Where are my car keys?"

"I don't know!" suddenly there  was the jangle of keys from behind them so Val turned and squealed when she saw a little German Shepard puppy with Skulduggery' car keys in his mouth

Try something and I swear to GOD ill be on you like a fly to a newspaper'  Skulduggery thought to himself and glared at the puppy as Val picked it up and stroked it "Im gonna call you Bentley!" she said and laughed as Bentley licked her cheek "Seriously? Your going to call it Bentley?" Skulduggery asked "Yeah! It suits him!" Valkyrie said and picked the keys from his mouth and Bentley pounced on Skulduggery and he fell to the ground "VAL! HELP ME PLEASE! ITS TORTURING ME! IT MAULING ME! ITS.....its licking me!" he said confused as he looked up to see Val recording the whole thing. She stopped recording and fell into fits of laughter " should have.....seen your face!" Valkyrie managed to get out "VALLLLL HELP IT MAULING MEEEEE!" she mocked and picked Bentley of Skulduggery who was now sulking on the ground "Come on sulky!"

"Im not sulking." Skulduggery muttered and got up "What ever you say Skul! What ever you say!"

The next day....

Skulduggery walked into the sanctuary to see Ghastly in fits of laughter rolling on the floor with Valkyrie struggling to stand "HELLPPPP MEEEEE! ITSSS MAULINGGGG MEEE!" Ghastly mocked and looked at Skulduggery who was sulking again "Elder Bespoke where would you like this portrait going?" Tipstaff asked, and Skulduggery turned around to see a picture of Skulduggery, on the floor looking petrified with Bentley ontop of him "In my office please!" Ghatsly managed before climbing up and wiping tears from his eyes. Just then Bentley came running through the door and pounced on Skulduggery who started flailing around again screaming, "AHAHAHA!" Ghastly roared with laughter with Valkyrie as he watched Skulduggery get 'mauled' by Bentley.

One thing was for sure, Ghastly wouldn't let Skulduggery live this down for a long time!

Valduggery-One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora