Im Pregnant!

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This is how Valkyrie told Skulduggery she was pregnant


Valkyrie woke up on Skulduggery's chest, she looked up to see him still sleeping, so she climbed out of bed, carefully to make sure she didn't wake him, and walked into the bathroom and grabbed a pregnancy test from one of the cupboards and tested it.......

It was positive! Valkyrie smiled widely and tried to figure out a way to tell Skul! She thought for a while before deciding on an idea, so she walked downstairs and grabbed a marker pen and started to write on it. A while later she put the cup down and started to make the tea, when 2 strong arms wrapped around her waist and hot lips trailed up her neck "Good morning." Skulduggery whispered with his sexy morning voice right I her ear "Good morning handsome!" she replied and twisted her body and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately "More like Great morning!" Skulduggery said against her lips "I second that!" Valkyrie said and pulled away and poured the tea into his 'special' cup and gave it to him and sat down next to him "After you drink your tea I have a surprise for you!" Valkyrie sang, and Skulduggery gulped his tea down in one and put it down and looked at a grinning Valkyrie "Whats the surprise?" he asked eagerly, Valkyrie grinned even wider and said "Are you sure your you finished your tea?" Skulduggery looked confused and said "Yes im su-" but stopped when he looked back into the cup. He gasped and read out the sentence at the bottom of the cup "Im pregnant!" Skulduggery looked up at a grinning Valkyrie and jumped out of his chair and picked up Valkyrie bridal style and kissed her passionately and grunted in her mouth which made her smile. He pulled away and smiled widely and said "I love you, Sooooo much!" and put her down and knelt down and rested his head on her belly and wrapped his arms around her waist "and I love you too!" he muttered and kissed her belly, Valkyrie smiled and said "And I love both of you!" Skulduggery looked up and smiled before Valkyrie knelt down next to him and hugged him tightly "I love you." She muttered "With all my heart!" Skulduggery grinned and kissed her "Im going to be a daddy!" he said excitedly, and hugged her back.

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