Severe Injury

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Skulduggery was sitting in his chair reading the newspaper when his mobile rung so he flipped up the screen on his stone age phone and looked at the caller, it was Tanith "Tanith?"

"Skul....." Tanith said sounding worried

"What happened?"

"Its Val....shes in immense pain right now."

"WHAT! What happened?"

"I don't want to re think the events! Just get over to the sanctuary as fast as you can." she said and hung up, and Skulduggery bolted out of his seat and sprinted for the Bentley outside. He jumped in and sped down to the sanctuary while thinking about what could of happened, did Sanguine cut her with his razor? did Dusk bite her? Or worse? Skulduggery didn't know anything but he knew that what ever it was, it had to be bad.

He arrived at the sanctuary and got out of his Bentley and ran to the entrance where Tanith was pacing up and down biting her nails nervously, so Skulduggery stopped her by grabbing her shoulders and shaking them "What happened?" he asked frantically, but Tanith said nothing and tears cam to her eyes "I'll show you...." she said and walked into the building and entered Valkyries room where she was lay in her bed looking really pale and shocked so Skulduggery went to her and pulled her into a hug "What happened? Are you alright?"

"Skulduggery, the pain....oh my gods the pain I felt, it was too much, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy!" she said and shook her head with despair and Skulduggery hugged her tighter "I don't want to re think the events, im too emotional right sorry, ask Tanith to tell you.." She said and Skul nodded "ok, you get some sleep, ok?"

"Ok." she said and closed her eyes and drifted of to sleep, while Skulduggery went outside to see what this was all about. He walked up to Tanith and asked "What happened?"

"Oh, Skul! It was horrible seeing her in that much pain. She was rolling on the floor, crying and screaming so loud I thought I would go deaf! It was horrendous." She said and tears pricked in her eyes again "i cant believe that happened to her honesty I cant. The pain must of been.....just wow....there isn't a bad enough word to describe it. Shes so innocent." Tanith said and hugged Skulduggery who hesitantly hugged her back "I need to know what happened, Tanith, please?" He asked for the tenth time and Tanith took a big breath and wiped away the tears and eventually blurted out "Val....she stepped on LEGO!" she said and burst into sobs, and Skulduggery just stood there for a while before turning around without saying anything and walking out the sanctuary, unemotionally. Not looking back.

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