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Skulduggery pulled up at the pier and looked over worriedly at the young girl next to him. Valkyrie had recently lost two of the most important people to her, and those people were Kenspeckle and Tanith. To Valkyrie Kenspeckle was like a granddad to her, always looking after her and putting Skulduggery in order when he got her into danger or simply comforting her when everything was going wrong. But the worst thing about his death is that he didn't disserve to die, after everything he had done for everyone else without hesitation, the least thing her disserved was to be killed. And then there was Tanith, Valkyrie lost her sister. Tanith was always looking out for Valkyrie and was always there to make fun of her, sure that may seem like a bad thing, but Val loved her non the less. Valkyrie had lost two brilliant people in her life and she wasn't ready to forget that just yet.

Even though Skulduggery had stopped the car, Valkyrie didn't move, she just sat staring out the window and Skulduggery knew that she wouldn't get over Tanith and Kensepeckle. Skulduggery took Valkyrie's hand and she didn't even flinch, "Val...please talk to me." he begged but Valkyrie didn't respond in any way, "Val, im so-" but was cut of "Thanks for the ride Skul." Valkyrie said without emotion and opened the car door and stepped out. She closed the door without turning and walked off, and Skulduggery sighed and drove off down the road. Valkyrie, however did not go home, she just walked over to the edge of the pier and sat down on the bench and pulled her knees up to her face and looked out at the ocean, but it wasn't long before something reminded her of Kenspeckle and Tanith and she broke down into sobs. She had been crying for a while when she heard crunching footsteps on the grass and a hand on her shoulder, but she didn't faze. Skulduggery sat down beside her and pulled her into his embrace and she cried even harder and he rubbed her back soothingly "Shh, its ok. I know they were your friend-"

"They ARE my friends, and they were way more than that! They were family!" Valkyrie yelled and hugged Skulduggery close and he let her "Val, I know how much you loved them both, but there gone. Im sorry."

"I know there gone! Do you think we will get Tanith back?" She asked hopefully and Skulduggery hesitated "I...I don't know."

"i miss her."

"We all do."

"I really miss her!" Valkyrie sobbed could already feel a fresh set of tears forming in her eyes "Oh, Val!" Skulduggery said and hugged her impossibly close and used his other hand to gently stroke her head. Soon enough she fell asleep and Skulduggery carried her back to the Bentley and lay her down in the back and drove to his house.

Once they arrived Skulduggery carried her inside careful not to wake her and went up to her room and gently placed her in and pulled the covers over her. Just before he was about to leave Skulduggery turned on his façade and softly kissed her cheek, and despite the day she had, just had, Valkyrie smiled in her sleep and had a peaceful night.

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