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Skulduggery and Valkyrie stood watching Ghastly and Tanith fighting over what film they wanted to watch "I want to watch Jurassic World!" Tanith argued and Ghastly sighed "Were not watching a film about boring, dangerous, lazy animals."

"But I do that every day by watching you." Ghastly glared and Valkyrie sniggered "Were watching James Bond!"

"No were not!"

"Yes we are!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"EVERYONE QUIET!" Skulduggery roared and the fighting couple looked sheepishly at the waxy faced man who was tapping his foot impatiently on the floor "Lets just go and watch Jurassic World."


"Shut it, Bespoke." he growled threateningly and Ghastly sighed but bought the tickets anyway and they all headed to the cinema room.

They found there seat and Ghastly and Tanith sat next to each other while Skulduggery and Valkyrie sat together. When they film started Ghastly and Tanith were already making out and Valkyrie sat awkwardly as Tanith crawled onto his lap. She could hear there lips moving together and she gagged "Skul?" she whispered and he looked at her "Yes?"

"Is there a spare seat next to you?" he looked next to him and since he was sitting near a wall there weren't any more seats "No." she grumbled but sunk into her seat trying to ignore the two sat next to her "Do you want to sit on me lap?" he asked and Valkyrie blushed. She had liked Skulduggery for a while now and she was beginning to feel a bit awkward around him but she didn't want him to know that so she climbed onto his lap and he cuddled her to his chest.

"Charlie? What a stupid name for a dinosaur." Skulduggery commented and Valkyrie sighed. Ghastly and Tanith had left a while ago to carry on with their make out session at home and Skulduggery had not stopped talking "Oh, he is dead!" Skulduggery chuckled and he frowned soon after "How the hell did he survive that? He fell into a pit of raptors and he lived!" she threw his arms in the air and Valkyrie couldn't take it anymore and put a hand over Skulduggery's mouth "Listen here! I have not heard a word if this movie since it has started and if you don't shut up right this second I will make sure you don't live to see tomorrow! Got it?" she snarled and he nodded quickly "Good boy." there was silence for a while "Indominous rex?" he whispered and sniggered "That's it!" she yelled and grabbed his face in her hands "You are officially the most infuriating person I have every met!" his face was squished in her hands "I hope you said goodbye to your Bentley because it will be gone tomorrow" he let go of his face and he glared "You wont do anything to hurt her!"

"How will you be so sure?"

"Because you wont cause your boyfriend any pain."

"Boyfriend?" he grabbed her face and smashed his lips to hers. She was in shock for a minute 'Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.' she chanted in her head and eventually kissed his back as he pulled her closer to him. She pulled away gasping for breath "if you think that's going to stop me from killing your Bentley, you are wrong." Skulduggery smiled and touched his forehead to hers "It was worth a try."

"But if you give me another kiss then I'll only scratch it." she whispered "I think that can be arranged." he said and kissed her again.

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