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OMG THIS IS THE 100th CHAPTER! WHOOOOOO! Me and Raelynn would like to than you for all the amazing comments and feedback you give us on our stories! We really do appreciate you and we could never thank you enough! THANK YOUUUU!

ValkyrieCain had logged in.

ValkyrieCain: Its my BIRTHDAY! xxx

SwordLady has logged in

SwordLady: Hello Val! Happy Birthday hun! Me and Ghastly are coming over later! xx

Valkyrie Cain: Alright Tan, Thank you! xx

SkulduggeryP has logged in

ValkyrieCain: Skulduggery!? You have facebook? xx

SkulduggeryP: Yesnowwhereisthespacebar?

SwordLady: Oh my god Skulduggery, get with it! xx

ValkyrieCain: Skulduggery the spacebar is the biggest button on the keyboard! xx

SkulduggeryP: Ah, I found it!

SwordLady: Good! Now Val gtg c u later! Ttyl hun! Bye xx

ValkyrieCain: Bye xx

SwordLady has logged off

SkulduggeryP: Gtg? C? U? Ttyl? xx? What was all that about!?

ValkyrieCain: Skul you seriously need to get with it!

Gtg= Got to go

C= See


Ttyl= Talk to you later

xx= Kiss

Got it?

SkulduggeryP: Right I think so!

ValkyrieCain: Good so are you coming over later?

SkulduggeryP: Of course I am! It is your birthday afterall!

ValkyrieCain: My 100th birthday! We met 88 years ago!

SkulduggeryP: Yes we did! It sure went by quick!

ValkyrieCain: It sure has! Well Ttyl Skul! xx

ValkyrieCain had logged out

SkulduggeryP: I love you xx

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