Worth it!

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Brooklyn Pleasant and Romeo Pleasant were 17 now and they both grew up just like there parents. Romeo had black hair and crystal blue eyes. He was muscular and his chosen magic was elemental, he was more like Valkyrie then Skulduggery; Very mischievous and stubborn, but he really loved his sister. Brooklyn had grown up with the same hair as Romeo and the same eyes. Her hair was very long and she too was muscular. Her chosen magic was an Adept magic and it was reflex and agility, this means she can see things a lot slower than anyone else and can see bullets coming just from senses. Brooklyn grew up more like Skulduggery; Smart, smart mouthed and is also a detective.

Brooklyn and Romeo were currently in the sanctuary, in a very messy hall. There had been a fight between Safire Sorrows and Kujo Canols. Kujo hated the Pleasant twins and planned to blame the whole fight on Romeo, and Brooklyn didn't like that. She didn't like than at all "Hey Brooklyn" Kujo shouted down the hall "You got me grounded for a whole month!"

"Well you deserved it! I mean getting our hopes up like that and showing up again!" Brooklyn shouted back, this earned a few sniggers from the people around them. Kujo stormed forward so there heads were almost touching. Brooklyn waved her hand and motioned for the space around her and said "See this? Its called personal space! So get out of mine!"

"Oh go shoot your self!"

"If I wanted to kill myself id climb up your ego and jump down to you IQ level!"

"Your a bitch!" He snarled

"Remember when I asked for your opinion? Cause I don't!"

"I hate you!"

"If you don't shut up the next thing that will come out of your mouth will be you teeth!"

"Honestly! Every time you speak I can feel my brain cells committing suicide one by one!" Kujo smiled looking proud for his line

" I was going too give you a nasty look. But you already have one!"

"Original!" He said sarcastically

"Wish you thought of it!"

"Ugh! I hate you Pleasant!"

"You gonna hate me even more if you blame this mess on my brother!" Brooklyn said and turned round and stormed of smirking to herself. She rounded a corner and saw Ghastly and Skulduggery crouched down smiling at her "That's my girl!" They both said and Brooklyn grinned with them "So you guys heard?"

"Yep" They said in unison "Wheres Romeo?" Brooklyn asked "He's cleaning the mess!"

"Why? he didn't do it!"

"Yes well Kujo already told on him and he's doing it now a punishment."

"Ugh!" Brooklyn said and walked into the hall where Romeo was cleaning the stains of the walls "Why are you here?" She asked

"Im cleaning the mess."

"Im mean why are you doing this? It wasn't your fault!"

"Yeah well no one believes me."

"Well I do! And so do Dad and Ghastly! And im not prepared to see you get punished for something you didn't do, so how about we do something to him!" Brooklyn suggested and Romeo turned his head and grinned "What do you have in mind?"

"Well heres the plan!" Brooklyn said and crouched down and whispered the plan into his ear. He grinned and said "Brilliant!"

"Ok Ghastly have you got the paintball guns?" Brooklyn asked and Ghastly held up the guns "Yep!"

"Ok Dad have you got the cloaking sphere?"

"Yes!" Skulduggery said and held the cloaking sphere

"Romeo have you got the camera?"

"Yeah!" Romeo said and held the camera "Ok then operation pay back Kujo is a go!" Brooklyn yelled and they stalked there pray. Skulduggery turned on the cloaking sphere and they stalked on Kujo. Ghastly gave Brooklyn a paintball gun and kept one for himself. Kujo was speaking with his friends talking and Romeo whispered "Ok im recording!" Ghastly and Brooklyn grinned at each other and they fired paintballs like there's no tomorrow, while Kujo was screaming and squealing shouting "GOD! IS THAT YOU! WHAT DID I DO WRONG!" they all continued shooting until he ran off covered in paint. Skulduggery retracted the sphere and they all fell into fits of laughter. A few minutes of laughing later they stood up and turned around when they saw one angry Valkyrie and one laughing Tanith low "Kids, Skulduggery your grounded!" she shouted and Ghastly smirked "And don't think your getting away with this Bespoke! Your grounded too!" Valkyrie shouted and Ghastly turned to the kids and Skulduggery and they all whispered "Worth it!"

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