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"Oh my god....Oh my god..." Skulduggery breathed and looked at the skin that covered his body " worked." he couldn't believe it "Yes, of course it worked! I'm a genius. Now it functions like a normal human body which means you need to eat, sleep, drink, breathe! Now go, I have some patients to attend too!" Professor Grouse practically pushed Skulduggery out the door but all he could pay attention to was his body. Once he had finally taken it all in her ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, he had chocolate brown hair which was messy on top of his head and beautiful emerald green eyes that shone in the light with a slight stubble. His body was muscular and he seemed mesmerised by his chest which was moving up and down with the breaths he was taking "Oh my god..." he kept repeating until he brought out his phone and dialled Valkyrie "Val! You will never guess what?" he breathed and he could hear Valkyrie shuffle a bit "Skulduggery, its half seven in the morning, cant this wait?" she croaked down the phone "No it cannot! Now meet me at the pier in thirty minutes!"


"Ah! No buts, be there in thirty minutes!"

"Ugh! Fine, this better be worth it Pleasant." She growled and hung up. Skulduggery put his phone back in his pocket and made his way outside receiving flirtatious looks from the female mages who passed and he smirked to himself.

He arrived at the pier five minutes early so he sat and admired himself in the mirror "Handsome devil." he said to himself and smiled his bright white smile. Skulduggery was 28 when he died, and he looked exactly the same as he did when he had died. He loved to admire himself, and he noticed that all the girls liked to as well and to be fair, he didn't blame them. The door to the Bentley was opened and Valkyrie got in with messy hair and a grumpy look on her face "Skulduggery I swear to god this better be impor-" but she stopped mid sentence when she laid eyes on him "W...w...what?" she said and her jaw dropped "Hello Valkyrie!" Skulduggery said and grinned at her "B...but how...I...what..." she couldn't get a sentence out, he looked nice...he looked hot "Kenspeckle found a potion that turned me human...permanently! This is what I looked like when I died!" Valkyrie remained staring at him "Y...your human?" she whispered and flicked his nose "Ouch! And yes, I am!"

"Oh my god...your like actually human? You can eat and drink and stuff?"

"Yes!" he said and grinned but it faltered when he heard a rumble "What was that?" he asked and Valkyrie laughed "Its your stomach, you haven't eaten in four hundred years I suspect your a little hungry."

"Ah, yes! I probably am!"

"Well, if you want we can go to Gordons and I will make you something to eat."

"Ok then!" he said and grinned before speeding down to Gordons.

Valkyrie lay a full English breakfast in front Of skulduggery along with a smoothie and nodded proudly at her work before sitting opposite him a he began to eat. She seemed mesmerised by him eating and she didn't know why but as soon as he shoved the first fork full of food into his mouth he groaned and Valkyrie frowned "Is it really that bad?" she asked but Skulduggery shook his head furiously "Its amazing Val, you don't know how amazing it feels to eat again!"

"Try the smoothie!" she said and Skulduggery picked up the smoothie and gulped it down in one "That was good!" he said and Valkyrie laughed as she noticed his milk moustache, she grabbed a towel and walked over to him and wiped it away while staring into his emerald eyes, getting lost in them. She stared in them for what seemed like forever they were beautiful, when she finally snapped out of her trance she saw Skulduggery blushing and she had to smirk "Is Skulduggery Pleasant blushing?" she asked smugly and he cursed "No."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure you were!"

"You have no proof!"

"And you have no proof that you didn't"


"Finish your breakfast."

"Yes mother!" Valkyrie laughed and went to clean the plates in the sink when she saw Skulduggery's plate clean "What?! How did you manage that?" Skulduggery shrugged "I was hungry."

"Right, give me the plate." she said and he handed her the plate and she put it in the sink as she began to wash them when she felt a finger trail up her spine so she turned and looked at Skulduggery "What are you doing?"

"It feels weird to feel heat and cold again."

"There isn't such thing as cold."


"Cold is just the absence of heat." (Look at me being all logical!)

"Well, I guess that makes sense."

"Yes it does." Skulduggery went back to feeling her hair and her face "This is getting creepy now..." Skulduggery blushed but stopped "Sorry." he said and turned around but Valkyrie had an idea so she grabbed his hand and turned him back around before crushing her lips to his. He remained in shock for a while before kissing her back, when she pulled away she smirked up at him "So, how did that feel?"

"Hmmm, its hard to tell really I think you need to do it again!" he said and she grinned before his lips descended on hers once again.

He was going to enjoy being humana again.

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