NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! (part 2)

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"ARRRGGGGGHHHH" Skulduggery screamed when he awoke from his nightmare and Valkyrie bolted in the room "WHAT!" she yelled and looked at the shaking sweating Skulduggery "What happened honey?" she said softly and cuddled him to her "I...I feel so wrong and violated..."


"...I don't want to talk about it. That had to be the worst nightmare I have ever had I my life." he said and he had to clamp a hand over his mouth to stop him from throwing up, "Shhh, its alright now, I'm here." she said and tilted his head up and kissed him passionately and suddenly all memories from the nightmare were gone and the only thing on his mind was Valkyrie.

I'm sorry I couldn't live with myself if I just left the last chapter like that! I'm sorry again for everyone ive scarred, but hopefully this will help just a little bit!

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