Wedding (Part 1)

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Valkyrie awoke to her phone ringing so she groaned and eventually got up to answer it "Hello?" she said and yawned "Hello Valkyrie!" Ghastly said cheerily

"Ghastly? What the hell are you doing up at-" *checks watch "5:30 on a Monday morning? And why are you ringing me?"

"Ah well, your dress has been made!"

"REALLY!" She screeched suddenly really excited "Really! Now come over and try it on!"

"Alright I'm on my way! Bye Ghastly!"

"Bye Val!" she hung up and opened her wardrobe and put on the first things she saw since she was too excited to care and hurried out the house where she sped down to Ghastlys in her car.

When she arrived she noticed the Bentley outside so she jumped out the car and ran into the shop where Skulduggery and Ghastly were chatting to each other "WHERE?" she yelled and Ghastly chuckled before walking into the back room to find her dress.

Skulduggery POV

"Ghastly. I don't know what to do."

"Skulduggery, you have to tell her! She's getting married tomorrow! If you don't make a move you will loose her!"

"I know I will! But I cant bring myself to do it!"

"Skul, I know its difficult to do be trust me it will be worth it. You were lucky last time since Belle said she loved you and you said it back, but this time its up to you. You need to tell her."

"I know, but I cant!"

"Yes you can. And you will!"

"Your right."

"I know now h-" but Ghastly didn't get to finish his sentence because Valkyrie almost blew the door of its hinges when she came running in "WHERE!" she yelled and Ghastly chuckled as he went to the back room, but as he went I notice him give me a little wink 'Ok Skul! You got this!" I thought to myself so I got up from the couch and walked over to Val "Hello!" I greeted and she smiled immediately when she saw me. Her teeth were so white it they made snow look yellow "Hi Skul!" she said and hugged me like she always did when we saw each other "How are you?"

"I'm good! You?"

"Just excited!"

"Good, listen Val I need to tell you something important." I said and she looked at me before taking my hands with her warm ones "You can tell me anything Skul." she said and smiled again. I took a bug breath "Ok, Val, I love-"

"Hello everyone!" Fletcher Renn called from the door and I felt like dying, though Val did look sad and a little annoyed when he came in 'I almost said it!' I thought, and sighed sadly when Valkyrie walked up to Fletcher and kissed him (Trust me I gagged just writing that!) "Hey Fletch." she said, with hardly any emotion when they pulled away "What are you doing here?"

"Im trying on my dress."

"Oooo! Can I see?"

"NO! You have to wait till tomorrow!"

"Hfff! Fine! Anyway I need to go and do some shopping, ill see you later!"

"Ok Bye." she said and kissed him again before there was a pop noise and he was gone. She walked over to me and sat down beside me "What were you saying before?"

"Oh I was going to say I love seeing you happy, and I wish you the best in life with Fletcher." I said and tried to keep the tears down "Aww! Thanks Skul!" she said and hugged me "Val! Your dress!" Ghastly called and Val squealed and jumped up running to the dress "YEAH!" she cheered and ran into the back to try it on. Ghastly walked over to me and patted me on the back "I'm sorry mate. I know it must be hard."

"It is. Ghastly I feel like crying!"

"Skul, do it as soon as possible! Heck ill even do it if you don't, I'm not going to see yo loose the only girl you have loved since your Bella and Bonnie."

"Yeah. I just need Val to know I love her. But what if she doesn't feel the same?" I asked and looked at Ghastly "I don't know mate. I don't know."

"So, how do I look?" I turned around to look in the direction of the voice and my jaw dropped, there stood the most beautiful thing I have ever seen since my precious little baby Bonnie. Valkyrie looked heartbreakingly beautiful, she was wearing an elegant pure white dress with a see through material on the back with beautiful symmetric patterns on it. The front of the dress had a row of patterns where her hips were and the bottom of the dress fell down simply to her feet where it dragged along the floor at the back. She twirled around and I was speechless she looked even more beautiful than he ever expected her too, " look flawless...honestly" I couldn't even think of a word to describe how absolutely beautiful she looked. She laughed and walked towards me and Ghastly "Do you really think so?"

"I have never said anything more true in my entire life. Val you truly do look incredible." I said and she smiled and blushed "Thanks Skul." she said and walked into he back room to get changed. Fletcher was a lucky man.


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